LT1027DCS8-5 Precision 5 Volt Reference

The LT®1027 is a precision reference with extra-low drift, superior accuracy, excellent line and load regulation and low output impedance at high frequency. This device is intended for use in 12- to 16-bit A-to-D and D-to-A systems where demanding accuracy requirements must be met without the use of power hungry, heated substrate references. The fast settling output recovers quickly from load transients such as those presented by A-to-D converter reference inputs. The LT1027 brings together both outstanding accuracy and temperature coefficient specifications.

The LT1027 reference is based on LTC’s proprietary advanced subsurface Zener bipolar process which eliminates noise and stability problems associated with surface breakdown devices

产品特点 Features
  • Very Low Drift: 2ppm/°C Max TC
  • Pin Compatible with LT1021-5, REF-02, (PDIP Packages Only)
  • Output Sources 15mA, Sinks 10mA
  • Excellent Transient Response Suitable for A-to-D Reference Inputs
  • Noise Reduction Pin
  • Excellent Long Term Stability
  • Less Than 1ppm P-P Noise (0.1Hz to 10Hz)
LT1027 封装LT1027 封装
  • A-to-D and D-to-A Converters
  • Digital Voltmeters
  • Reference Standard
  • Precision Current Source
LT1027 典型应用
LT1027 参数
LT1027DCS8-5 订购信息和价格参考Package Variations and Pricing
器件型号 封装 引脚 温度 价格 (以 1 ~ 99 片为批量) 价格 (以 1000 片为批量) *
LT1027BCN8-5 PDIP 8 C $6.17  $4.85 
LT1027BCN8-5#PBF PDIP 8 C $6.17  $4.85 
LT1027CCN8-5 PDIP 8 C $5.58  $4.40 
LT1027CCN8-5#PBF PDIP 8 C $5.58  $4.40 
LT1027CCS8-5 SO 8 C $5.20  $4.50 
LT1027CCS8-5#PBF SO 8 C $5.20  $4.50 
LT1027CCS8-5#TR SO 8 C $4.56 
LT1027CCS8-5#TRPBF SO 8 C $4.56 
LT1027DCN8-5 PDIP 8 C $4.92  $3.90 
LT1027DCN8-5#PBF PDIP 8 C $4.92  $3.90 
LT1027DCS8-5 SO 8 C $5.55  $4.70 
LT1027DCS8-5#PBF SO 8 C $5.55  $4.70 
LT1027DCS8-5#TR SO 8 C $4.76 
LT1027DCS8-5#TRPBF SO 8 C $4.76 
LT1027ECN8-5 PDIP 8 C $4.58  $3.60 
LT1027ECN8-5#PBF PDIP 8 C $4.58  $3.60 
LT1027ECS8-5 SO 8 C $3.10  $2.25 
LT1027ECS8-5#PBF SO 8 C $3.10  $2.25 
LT1027ECS8-5#TR SO 8 C $2.31 
LT1027ECS8-5#TRPBF SO 8 C $2.31 
LT1027DCS8-5 数据手册及相关资料下载
  1. 数据手册(英文) : LT1027 - Precision 5 Volt Reference.PDF
  2. 应用指南 (英文) : AN42 - Voltage Reference Circuit Collection.PDF
  3. 应用指南 (英文) : AN62 - Data Acquisition Circuit Collection.PDF
  4. 应用指南 (英文) : AN7 - Some Techniques for Direct Digitization of Transducer Outputs.PDF
  5. 应用指南 (英文) : AN74 - Component and Measurement Advances Ensure 16-Bit DAC Settling Time.PDF
  6. 应用指南 (英文) : AN82 - Understanding and Applying Voltage References.PDF
  7. 应用指南 (英文) : AN86 - A Standards Lab Grade 20-Bit DAC with 0.1ppm/° Drift: The Dedicated Art of Digitizing One Part Per Million.PDF
  8. 设计要点 (英文) : DN45 - Signal Conditioning for Platinum Temperature Transducers.PDF
  9. 设计要点 (英文) : DN51 - Gain Trimming In Instrumentation Amplifier Based Systems.PDF
  10. 可靠性数据 : R299 Reliability Data .PDF
  11. 产品选型卡 : Precision High Side Current Sense Amplifiers.PDF
  12. LT Journal : Aug 1998 Component and Measurement Advances Ensure 16-Bit DAC Settling Time (Part One).PDF
  13. LT Journal : March 2009 - How to Choose a Voltage Reference.PDF