LTC1044 Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter
The LTC1044 provides several voltage conversion functions: the input voltage can be inverted (VOUT=-VIN), doubled (VOUT=2 VIN), divided (VOUT=VIN/2) or multiplied (VOUT=±nVIN). Designed to be pin-for-pin and functionally compatible with the popular 7660, the LTC1044 provides significant features and improvements over earlier 7660 designs. These improvements include: full 1.5V to 9V supply operation over the entire operating temperature range, without the need for external protection diodes; 21/2 times lower quiescent current for greater power conversion efficiency; and a "boost" function which is available to raise the internal oscillator frequency to optimize performance in specific applications. Although the LTC1044 provides significant design and performance advantages over the earlier 7660 device, it still maintains its compatibility with existing 7660 designs
产品特点 Features
- Plug-In Compatible with 7660 with These Additional Features:
- Guaranteed Operation to 9V, with No External Diode, Over Full Temperature Range
- Boost Pin (Pin 1) for Higher Switching Frequency
- Lower Quiescent Power
- Efficient Voltage Doubler
- 200µA Max. No Load Supply Current at 5V
- 97% Min. Open Circuit Voltage Conversion Efficiency
- 95% Min. Power Conversion Efficiency
- Wide Operating Supply Voltage Range, 1.5V to 9V
- Easy to Use
- Commercial Device Guaranteed Over -40°C to 85°C Temperature Range
- Conversion of +5V to ±5V Supplies
- Precise Voltage Division, VOUT=VIN/2±20ppm
- Voltage Multiplication, VOUT=±nVIN
- Supply Splitter, VOUT=±VS2
LTC1044 订购信息和价格参考Package Variations and Pricing
器件型号 |
封装 |
引脚 |
温度 |
价格 (以 1 ~ 99 片为批量) |
价格 (以 1000 片为批量) * |
LTC1044ACN8 |
8 |
C |
$2.75 |
$2.20 |
8 |
C |
$2.75 |
$2.20 |
LTC1044ACS8 |
SO |
8 |
C |
$2.92 |
$2.35 |
SO |
8 |
C |
$2.92 |
$2.35 |
LTC1044ACS8#TR |
SO |
8 |
C |
$2.41 |
SO |
8 |
C |
$2.41 |
LTC1044AIN8 |
8 |
I |
$3.00 |
$2.40 |
8 |
I |
$3.00 |
$2.40 |
LTC1044AIS8 |
SO |
8 |
I |
$3.17 |
$2.55 |
SO |
8 |
I |
$3.17 |
$2.55 |
LTC1044AIS8#TR |
SO |
8 |
I |
$2.61 |
SO |
8 |
I |
$2.61 |
LTC1044CN8 |
8 |
C |
$2.05 |
$1.65 |
LTC1044CN8#PBF |
8 |
C |
$2.05 |
$1.65 |
LTC1044CS8 |
SO |
8 |
C |
$2.75 |
$2.25 |
LTC1044CS8#PBF |
SO |
8 |
C |
$2.75 |
$2.25 |
LTC1044CS8#TR |
SO |
8 |
C |
$2.31 |
SO |
8 |
C |
$2.31 |
LTC1044 数据手册及相关资料下载
- 数据手册(英文) : LTC1044 - Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter.PDF
- 应用指南 (英文) : AN11 - Designing linear Circuits for 5V Single Supply Operation.PDF
- 应用指南 (英文) : AN23 - Micropower Circuits for Signal Conditioning.PDF
- 应用指南 (英文) : AN30 - Switching Regulator Circuit Collection.PDF
- 应用指南 (英文) : AN42 - Voltage Reference Circuit Collection.PDF
- 应用指南 (英文) : AN43 - Bridge Circuits.PDF
- 应用指南 (英文) : AN7 - Some Techniques for Direct Digitization of Transducer Outputs.PDF
- 应用指南 (英文) : AN8 - Power Conditioning Techniques for Batteries.PDF
- 可靠性数据 : R020 Reliability Data .PDF