PBLS2003D 20 V PNP BISS loadswitch

PNP low VCEsat Breakthrough in Small Signal (BISS) transistor and NPN Resistor- Equipped Transistor (RET) in a SOT457 (SC-74) small Surface Mounted Device (SMD) plastic package

产品特点 Features
  • Low VCEsat (BISS) and resistor-equipped transistor in one package
  • Low threshold voltage (< 1 V) compared to MOSFET
  • Low drive power required
  • Space-saving solution
  • Reduction of component count
  • Supply line switches
  • Battery charger switches
  • High-side switches for LEDs, drivers and backlights
  • Portable equipment
PBLS2003D 产品实物图
型号 可订购的器件编号 订购码 (12NC) 产品状态 封装
PBLS2003D PBLS2003D,115 9340 592 72115 量产 SOT457 (TSOP6)
封装版本 封装名称 封装说明
SOT457 TSOP6 plastic surface-mounted package (TSOP6); 6 leads
型号 订购码 (12NC) 可订购的器件编号 化学成分
PBLS2003D PBLS2003D,115 9340 592 72115 PBLS2003D
PBLS2003D 技术支持
档案名称 标题 类型 格式
PBLS2003D 20 V PNP BISS loadswitch Data sheet pdf
AN10361 Philips BISS loadswitch solutions and the SOT666 BISS loadswitch demo board Application note pdf
75016734 Downsize the footprint, boost the performance; NXP ultra-small diodes and transistors for portable applications Leaflet pdf