RF6260 Quad-band Multimode Power Amplifier Module for 3G/4G Mobile Devices

This product is a component of RFMD’s revolutionary RFRD6460 PowerSmart™ power platform。

应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载 大小(KB) 版本信息
Brochure: RFRD6460 3G Multimode, Multi-band PowerSmart Power Platform 448  
White Paper: 3G-4G Multimode Handset Challenges I: Spectrum and Regulatory Issues 634 WP090202
White Paper: 3G-4G Multimode Handset Challenges II: Architecture Discussion 862 WP090202
White Paper: 3G-4G Multimode Handset Challenges III: Impact on PA Design 643 WP090202