STEVAL-ISA053V1 Demonstration board for the PM6680 dual step-down controller with adjustable output voltage for notebook power system

The PM6680 is a dual step-down controller with adjustable output voltages for notebook computer power systems. The STEVAL-ISA053V1 demonstration board is designed to test the performance of the PM6680 by employing a typical application circuit which allows testing of all PM6680 device functions. The board features two switching sections, with (typically) 1.5 V and 1.05 V outputs, from a 6 V to 28 V input battery voltage. The operating switching frequency of the two switching sections is 200 kHz / 300 kHz, respectively. Each switching section delivers more than 5 A of output current. Moreover, an internal linear regulator can provide 5 V @ 100 mA peak current.

  • Constant on-time control allows very fast load transients
  • 6 V to 28 V input voltage range
  • 5 V auxiliary output voltage
  • Accurate current limit with sense resistor
  • Adjustable switching outputs
  • Lossless current sensing
  • Negative current limit
  • Soft-start internally fixed at 2.8 ms
  • Soft-end for output discharge
  • 200 kHz / 300 kHz, 300 kHz / 400 kHz, 400 kHz / 500 kHz (5 V / 3 V selectable switching frequency)
  • Selectable pulse skip and no-audible skip modes at light loads
  • Independent Power Good signals
STEVAL-ISA053V1 订购信息
订购型号 产品状态 美金价格 数量 封装 包装形式 温度范围 材料声明
STEVAL-ISA053V1 Active   1000        
描述 版本 大小
STEVAL-ISA053V1 : DB0612: Demonstration board for the PM6680 dual step-down controller with adjustable output voltage for notebook power system 1 184KB
描述 版本 大小
AN2566: PM6680 evaluation kit dual step-down controller with auxiliary voltages for notebook power system 3 637KB
描述 版本 大小
Bill of materials 1.0 15KB
描述 版本 大小
Board schematic 1.0 43KB
描述 版本 大小
PCB layout 1.0 616KB