STR91X-SK/IAR IAR KickStart starter kit with STR912F evaluation board, USB-JTAG debugger and 32KB code-size limited version of IAR EWARM softw

The IAR KickStart Kits™ are complete, cost-effective solutions for starting application development and evaluating the STMicroelectronics ARM core-based microcontrollers STR912FAW4, STR750FV2, STR731FV2, STR730FZ2, STR712FR2 and STR711FR2.

The KickStart kits come with all the hardware and software you need to start developing applications including the KickStart development board with target microcontroller, the IAR J-Link in-circuit debugger/programmer (USB/JTAG) and IAR Embedded WorkBench for ARM (EWARM) integrated development environment with the KickStart edition of the IAR C/C++ compiler (output code up to 32 Kbytes), built-in Flash loader and sample projects for all device peripherals.

IAR KickStart kits provide evaluation and development support for a full range of ST ARM core-based microcontrollers.

  • The IAR Embedded WorkBench®for ARM (EWARM) software package with:
    • KickStart™ C/C++ compiler for output of code up to 32 Kbytes
    • VisualSTATE®code generator, 20-state version
    • C-SPY®high-level language debugger
    • Editor, linker and librarian tools
  • J-Link in-circuit debugger/programmer with USB interface to host PC and 20-pin JTAG application interface.
  • Full-featured KickStart™ development board with target microcontroller
STR91X-SK/IAR 订购信息
订购型号 产品状态 美金价格 数量 封装 包装形式 温度范围 材料声明
STR91X-SK/IAR Active   1000       STR91X-SK/IAR
描述 版本 大小
STR91X-SK/IAR : DB0184: IAR™ starter kits for ST ARM core-based microcontrollers 8 55KB