BQ24312EVM 评估模块

名称 BQ24312EVM Evaluation Module
BQ24312EVM 描述

The bq24312 is a highly integrated circuit designed to provide protection to Li-ion batteries from failures of the charging circuit. The IC continuously monitors the input voltage, the input current, and the battery voltage. In case of an input overvoltage condition, the IC immediately removes power from the charging circuit by turning off an internal switch. In the case of an overcurrent condition, it limits the system current at the threshold value, and if the overcurrent persists, switches the pass element OFF after a blanking period. Additionally, the IC also monitors its own die temperature and switches off if it exceeds 140°C. The input overcurrent threshold is user-programmable.

BQ24312EVM 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. TI 德州仪器电池管理产品选型与价格 . xls
BQ24312EVM 相关产品
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