MSP-FET430PIF MSP430 并行端口调试接口


The MSP-FET430PIF is a Parallel Port interface (does not include target board) that is used to program and debug MSP430 FET tools and test boards through the JTAG interface. This interface is included in our FET tools, but sold without the development board. This interface uses a Parallel PC Port to communicate to the Debugger Software (IAR Kickstart software included) running on the PC. The interface uses the standard 14 pin header to communicate to the MSP430 device using the standard JTAG protocol.

The flash memory can be erased and programmed in seconds with only a few keystrokes, and since the MSP430 flash is extremely low power, no external power supply is required. The tool has an integrated software environment and connects directly to the PC which greatly simplifies the set-up and use of the tool. The flash development tool supports development with all MSP430 flash parts.

MSP-FET430PIF 包含项目
MSP-FET430PIF 相关产品
器件型号 名称 产品系列
MSP430F438 MSP430F43x 混合信号微处理器 MSP430™16 位超低功耗 MCU
MSP430F439 MSP430F43x 混合信号微处理器 MSP430™16 位超低功耗 MCU