TPA6205A1 评估模块TPA6205A1EVM

TPA6205A1EVM 描述

The TPA6205A1DRB audio power amplifier evaluation module is a complete, low-power single-channel audio power amplifier. It consists of the TI TPA6205A1DRB 1.25 W low-voltage audio power amplifier IC in a very small DRB package, along with a small number of other parts mounted on a circuit board that is approximately one and a quarter inches square.

TPA6205A1EVM 特性
TPA6205A1EVM 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. TI 德州仪器扬声器放大器和调制器产品选型与价格 . xls
TPA6205A1EVM 相关产品
器件型号 名称 产品系列
TPA6205A1 具有 1.8V 兼容关断电压的 1.25W 单声道全差动 AB 类音频放大器 (TPA6205) 扬声器放大器和调制器