UCC3915EVM 热插拔电源管理器评估模块

名称 UCC3915EVM Hot Swap Controller System Test Board
UCC3915EVM 描述

The UCC3915 programmable hot swap power manager provides complete power-management, hot-swap capability, and circuit breaker functions. The only external component required to operate the device, other than power supply bypassing, is the fault-timing capacitor, CT. All control and housekeeping functions are integrated, and externally programmable. These include the fault current level, maximum output sourcing current, maximum fault time, and startup delay. In the event of a constant fault, the internal fixed 2% duty cycle ratio limits average output power.

UCC3915EVM 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. TI 德州仪器热插拔控制器(外部 FET)产品选型与价格 . xls
UCC3915EVM 相关产品
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