AD8803ARZ-REEL:  8通道、8位TrimDAC,具有电源关断和中量程预设功能

The AD8801/AD8803 provides eight digitally controlled dc voltage outputs. This potentiometer divider TrimDAC® allows replacement of the mechanical trimmer function in new designs. The AD8801/AD8803 is ideal for dc voltage adjustment applications.

Easily programmed by serial interfaced microcontroller ports, the AD8801 with its midscale preset is ideal for potentiometer replacement where adjustments start at a nominal value. Applications such as gain control of video amplifiers, voltage controlled frequencies and bandwidths in video equipment, geometric correction and automatic adjustment in CRT computer graphic displays are a few of the many applications ideally suited for these parts. The AD8803 provides independent control of both the top and bottom end of the potentiometer divider allowing a separate zero-scale voltage setting determined by the VREFL pin. This is helpful for maximizing the resolution of devices with a limited allowable voltage control range.

Internally the AD8801/AD8803 contain eight voltage output digital-to-analog converters, sharing a common reference voltage input.

Each DAC has its own DAC register that holds its output state. These DAC registers are updated from an internal serial-to-parallel shift register that is loaded from a standard three-wire serial input digital interface. Eleven data bits make up the data word clocked into the serial input register. This data word is decoded where the first 3 bits determine the address of the DAC register to be loaded with the last 8 bits of data. The AD8801/AD8803 consumes only 5 mA from 5 V power supplies. In addition, in shutdown mode reference input current consumption is also reduced to 5 µA while saving the DAC latch settings for use after return to normal operation.

The AD8801/AD8803 is available in 16-pin plastic DIP and the 1.5 mm height SO-16 surface mount packages.




每个DAC均有各自的DAC寄存器以保持其输出状态,这些DAC寄存器由一个内部串行至并行移位寄存器更新,该移位寄存器从一个标准三线式串行输入数字接口加载数据。由11个数据位构成的数据字同步传输至串行输入寄存器,该数据字经过解码,前3位可确定需要载入后8位数据的DAC寄存器地址。采用5 V电源供电时,AD8801/AD8803的功耗仅为5 mA。此外,在关断模式下,基准电压输入功耗也降至5 µA,仅保留DAC锁存器设置,供返回正常工作模式后使用。

AD8801/AD8803提供16引脚塑封DIP和1.5 mm、SO-16表贴两种封装。

AD8803ARZ-REEL 功能框图

AD8803 芯片订购指南
产品型号 产品状态 封装 引脚 温度范围
AD8803AR 量产 16 ld SOIC 16 工业
AD8803ARZ 量产 16 ld SOIC 16 工业
AD8803ARZ-REEL 量产 16 ld SOIC 16 工业
AD8803ARZ-REEL 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. AD8803 数据手册DataSheet 下载 . pdf
  2. ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . pdf
  3. Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .pdf