LGBC 系列 - Liftgate Battery Charger Keeps Liftgate Batteries Charged in Heavy-Duty Environments

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Liftgate batteries on a full-size trailer are connected at a distance from the tractor unit by a long length of cable with a plug and socket that may have a poor electrical connection. These conditions frequently result in an undercharged trailer battery and a liftgate motor that's functioning at a lower voltage/higher current than rated. These conditions can result in a shorter life for the battery and the tailgate motor.

The LGBC Series automatically ensures that remote batteries are charged at optimum voltage and current, and compensates for battery temperature. The conditioned current and voltage allow the liftgate to be operated longer on any delivery run, and protect the battery and motor.
Ordering 订购信息
产品号说明Normal input voltage工作温度范围电压入口额定值
88020920 Amp Unit12 Vdc-40 C to +85 C+9.5 to +16 VdcIP67IP69K
88021035 Amp Unit12 Vdc-40 C to +85 C+9.5 to +16 VdcIP67IP69K
88021135 Amp Unit with Harness and Fuses12 Vdc-40 C to +85 C+9.5 to +16 VdcIP67IP69K
Download LGBC Series Datasheet lgbc
LGBC 880211 STEP 3D Model lgbc