211D Type 211D Wet Tantalum Capacitor Array with Tantalum Cased Tantalum Internal Components for - 55 °C to + 125 °C Operation

  • Vishay 211D series was designed as an upgrade to the older and mature 200D and 202D Tantalpak® Capacitor assemblies. The 211D is constructed using tantalum capacitors, similar to the Vishay 135D series or the MIL-PRF-39006/22 or /25 styles. This...
Product Literature
Reference Data
211D 40111
211D Type 211D Wet Tantalum Capacitor Array with Tantalum Cased Tantalum Internal Components for - 55 �C to + 125 �C Operation 40111
Selector Guide 40015
Selector Guide 40028
Parameter Comparison Guide 40132