ADSP-BF539 Blackfin处理器,用于汽车导航、娱乐和音频系统

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新款ADSP-BF539能够满足日益增长的连通性需求,扩展了Blackfin®处理器产品系列。除连通性以外,ADSP-BF539还提供高性能16/32位 Blackfin嵌入式处理器内核、灵活的高速缓存架构、增强的DMA子系统,以及动态电源管理(DPM)功能。这些新的系列成员与现有的Blackfin处理器代码兼容,使系统设计人员能够利用处理器内核结合的控制与信号处理能力所带来的优势。ADSP-BF539适合在控制与信号处理应用中用作系统控制处理器,如汽车导航系统、车载音频以及音频放大器。此外,动态电源管理功能不仅能降低功耗,还能在封闭应用中实现最小功耗。

Blackfin处理器增加MOST网络连通性 ADSP-BF539处理器还集成MXVR收发器,可以在MOST汽车多媒体网络上发送和接收音频、视频以及控制数据。

作为集成系统而设计 除了提供CAN 2.0B嵌入式连通性以外,ADSP-BF539处理器还集成了许多用于最小化外部IC数量和提供广泛控制/通信的通用功能。串行外设包括:3个SPI®兼容端口、3个UART、4个SPORT端口、3个多功能定时器、38个通用I/O、2个双线I2C接口、1个实时时钟、1个看门狗定时器、1个事件控制器和1个JTAG/调试接口。灵活的并行外设接口(PPI)提供到各种视频编/解码器、显示驱动器、图像传感器和通用转换器的直接连接。

开发工具 Blackfin处理器支持:

ADI公司业界领先的开发工具CROSSCORE®,包括VisualDSP++®软件开发环境、EZ-KIT Lite®评估系统、EZ-Extender™子板,以及基于PCI或USB的仿真器。

Green Hills®软件公司获奖的MULTI®嵌入式软件开发环境及相关仿真器。

  • 媒体收发器(MXVR),用于连接至MOST®汽车多媒体网络
  • • 强大且灵活的高速缓存架构,适合于软实时控制任务和工业标准操作系统,以及硬实时信号处理任务
  • 面向应用的外设可为数据采集应用提供与通用转换器的无缝连接
  • 增强的动态电源管理和片上内核稳压电路
  • 高性能16/32位嵌入式处理器内核
  • 10级RISC MCU/DSP流水线,包括混合的16/32位ISA,能实现最佳的编码密度
  • 完全SIMD架构,包括用于加速视频和图像处理的指令
  • 存储器管理单元(MMU),支持隔离与安全环境下的完全存储器保护
  • 处理器和DSP
    ADSP-BF539/ADSP-BF539F:Blackfin嵌入式处理器数据手册 (Rev. B)PDF 2363 kB
    ADSP-BF539/ADSP-BF539F: Blackfin Embedded Processor Data Sheet (Rev. F)PDF 2363 kB
    EE-112: Class Implementation in Analog C++PDF 31.54 K
    EE-356: Emulator and Evaluation Hardware Troubleshooting Guide for CCES Users (Rev. 2)
    EE-356: Associated Files
    PDF 779.29 K
    EE-213: Host Communication via the Asynchronous Memory Interface for Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2)PDF 134 kB
    EE-360: Utilizing the Trigger Routing Unit for System Level Synchronization (Rev. 1)
    EE-360: Code Example
    PDF 211 kB
    EE-364: Implementing Second-Stage Loaders for ADSP-BF60x Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1)
    EE-364: Code Example
    PDF 480.43 K
    EE-367: Flash Programmer Drivers for ADSP-BF51xF16 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1)
    EE-367: Code Example
    PDF 359 kB
    EE-362: ADSP-BF60x Blackfin® Processors System Optimization Techniques (Rev. 1)
    EE-362: Code Example
    PDF 747 kB
    EE-365: Maximizing ADC Sampling Rate on ADSP-CM40x Mixed-Signal Control Processors (Rev. 1)
    EE-365: Code example
    PDF 508 kB
    EE-358: Interfacing Red/Clear Sensors to ADSP-BF609® Blackfin Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 319 kB
    EE-354: UART Enhancements on ADSP-BF60x Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 109 kB
    EE-352: Soldering Considerations for Exposed-Pad Packages (Rev. 1)
    EE-352: Associated Files
    PDF 680 kB
    EE-351: Using the ADSP-BF592 Blackfin® Processor Tools Utility ROM (Rev. 2)
    EE-351: Associated Spreadsheet
    PDF 168 kB
    EE-350: Seamlessly Interfacing MEMS Microphones with Blackfin Processors (Rev. 1)
    EE-350: Code Example
    PDF 701 kB
    EE-335: Interfacing SD Cards with Blackfin Processors (Rev. 1)
    EE-335: Code Example
    PDF 2666 kB
    EE-347: Formatted Print to a UART Terminal with Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 3)
    EE-347: Code example
    PDF 112 kB
    EE-271: 高速缓冲存储器在Blackfin®处理器中的应用 (Rev. 1)
    EE-271: Code example (Rev 2, 05/2009)
    PDF 454 kB
    EE-339: 采用外部开关电源为Blackfin®处理器供电 (Rev. 1)PDF 486 kB
    EE-338: Blackfin®处理器与电力线网络物理层器件Intellon INT5200的接口 (Rev. 2)
    EE-338: Associated ZIP File (Rev 1, 05/2008)
    PDF 816 kB
    EE-333: Blackfin®处理器与Winbond W25X16 SPI Flash设备的连接 (Rev. 1)
    EE-333: Associated Code (Rev 1, 1/2008)
    PDF 0
    EE-332: 周期计数与分析
    EE-332: Code example (Rev 2, 03/2008)
    PDF 142 kB
    EE-331: ADSP-BF54x Blackfin®处理器增强的UART (Rev. 1)PDF 81 kB
    EE-326: Blackfin®处理器与SDRAM技术 (Rev. 2)
    EE-326: Code example (Rev 2, 12/2008)
    PDF 2705 kB
    EE-339: Using External Switching Regulators with Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 163 kB
    EE-332: Cycle Counting and Profiling (Rev. 2)
    EE-332: Code example
    PDF 142 kB
    EE-331: UART Enhancements on ADSP-BF54x Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 81 kB
    EE-326: Blackfin® Processor and SDRAM Technology (Rev. 2)
    EE-326: Code example
    PDF 958 kB
    EE-271: Using Cache Memory on Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2)
    EE-271: Code example
    PDF 1634 kB
    EE-240: ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® Booting Process (Rev. 4)
    EE-240: Code example
    PDF 332 kB
    EE-307: Blackfin®处理器利用VisualDSP++®工具的调试方法 (Rev. 1)PDF 0
    EE-341: Blackfin®专用管脚复用插件 (Rev. 1)
    EE-341: Code example (Rev 1, 05/2008)
    PDF 336 kB
    EE-340: SHARC®处理器和Blackfin®处理器的SPI 连接 (Rev. 1)
    EE-340: Code example (Rev 1, 07/2008)
    PDF 0
    EE-337: ADSP-BF52x 和ADSP-BF54x Blackfin®处理器上的主DMA 接口 (Rev. 1)
    EE-337: Code example (Rev 1, 05/2008)
    PDF 614 kB
    EE-336: ADSP-BF54x Blackfin®处理器的启动 (Rev. 1)
    EE-336: Code example (Rev 1, 06/2008)
    PDF 0
    EE-334: 利用Blackfin®处理器休眠状态实现待机低功耗 (Rev. 1)
    EE-334: Associated ZIP File (Rev 1, 05/05/2008)
    PDF 0
    EE-301: Blackfin®处理器上开发多媒体应用软件的视频模板 (Rev. 1)
    EE-301: Video Template Code (Rev 3, 04/2008)
    PDF 0
    EE-281: Blackfin®处理器硬件设计注意事项 (Rev. 2)PDF 0
    EE-229: ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 Blackfin®功耗估算 (Rev. 4)
    EE-229: Power Spreadsheets (Rev 4, 12/2007)
    PDF 0
    EE-175: 仿真器与EZ-KIT Lite®评估系统问题解决指南 (Rev. 10)
    EE-175: RMA forms (Rev 10, 11/2007)
    PDF 0
    EE-149: 调试Blackfin®处理器编译C 源代码PDF 331 kB
    EE-68: JTAG 仿真技术参考 (Rev. 10)PDF 306 kB
    EE-340: Connecting SHARC® and Blackfin® Processors over SPI (Rev. 1)
    EE-340: Code example
    PDF 209 kB
    EE-337: Host DMA Port on ADSP-BF52x and ADSP-BF54x Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1)
    EE-337: Code example
    PDF 614 kB
    EE-336: Putting ADSP-BF54x Blackfin® Processor Booting into Practice (Rev. 1)
    EE-336: Code example
    PDF 151 kB
    EE-301: Video Templates for Developing Multimedia Applications on Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1)
    EE-301: Video Template Code
    PDF 175 kB
    EE-229: Estimating Power for ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 4)
    EE-229: Power Spreadsheets
    PDF 188 kB
    EE-312: Building Complex VDK/LwIP Applications Using Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2)
    EE-312: Code example
    PDF 162 kB
    EE-344: Using the NAND Flash Controller on Blackfin Processors (Rev. 1)
    Code example
    PDF 2531 kB
    EE-281: Hardware Design Checklist for the Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2)PDF 77 kB
    EE-297: Estimating Power for ADSP-BF534/BF536/BF537 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 3)
    EE-297: Power Spreadsheets
    PDF 236 kB
    EE-341: Expert Pin Multiplexing Plug-in for Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 3)
    EE-341: Code Example
    PDF 253 kB
    EE-338: Interfacing Blackfin® Processors to the Intellon INT5200 HomePlug PHY (Rev. 2)
    EE-338: Associated ZIP File
    PDF 816 kB
    EE-334: Using Blackfin® Processor Hibernate State for Low Standby Power (Rev. 1)
    EE-334: Associated ZIP File
    PDF 904 kB
    EE-120: Interfacing Assembly Language Programs to CPDF
    EE-321: Connecting Blackfin® Processors to the AD7656 SAR ADC (Rev. 1)
    EE-321: Associated ZIP File
    PDF 176 kB
    EE-204: Blackfin® Processor SCCB Software Interface for Configuring I2C® Slave Devices (Rev. 2)
    EE-204: Associated Code (Rev 3, 02/2008)
    PDF 355 kB
    EE-333: Interfacing Blackfin® Processors to Winbond W25X16 SPI Flash Devices (Rev. 1)
    EE-333: Associated Code
    PDF 229 kB
    EE-323: Implementing Dynamically Loaded Software Modules (Rev. 1)
    EE-323: Associated Code
    PDF 0
    EE-245: AD7276高速数据转换器与ADSP-BF535 Blackfin®处理器的接口 (Rev. 1)
    EE-245 Software Code
    PDF 532 kB
    EE-330: Windows Vista Compatibility in VisualDSP++ 5.0 Development Tools (Rev. 1)PDF 276 kB
    EE-325: Interfacing Atmel Fingerprint Sensor AT77C104B with Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1)
    EE-325: Code Example
    PDF 2072 kB
    EE-298: Estimating Power for ADSP-BF538/BF539 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2)
    EE-298: Power Spreadsheets
    PDF 212 kB
    EE-324: System Optimization Techniques for Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1)
    EE-324: Associated Code
    PDF 146 kB
    EE-293: Estimating Power for ADSP-BF561 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2)
    EE-293: Power Spreadsheets
    PDF 164 kB
    EE-294: Energy-Aware Programming on Blackfin Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 102 kB
    EE-315: Changing the PHY in the Ethernet Driver for Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1)
    EE-315: Associated Code
    ADSP-BF539/BF539F Blackfin Processor BSDL File 316-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2007) adsp-bf539
    ADSP-BF539F8 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile CSP BGA Package (07/2006) adsp-bf539
    ADSP-BF539F4 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile CSP BGA Package (07/2006) adsp-bf539
    EE-112: Class Implementation in Analog C++ adsp-ts101s
    EE-356: Emulator and Evaluation Hardware Troubleshooting Guide for CCES Users (Rev. 2) adsp-ts101s
    EE-356: Associated Files adsp-ts101s
    EE-213: Host Communication via the Asynchronous Memory Interface for Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-360: Utilizing the Trigger Routing Unit for System Level Synchronization (Rev. 1) adsp-cm403f
    EE-360: Code Example adsp-cm403f
    EE-364: Implementing Second-Stage Loaders for ADSP-BF60x Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-364: Code Example adsp-bf561
    EE-367: Flash Programmer Drivers for ADSP-BF51xF16 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-367: Code Example adsp-bf561
    EE-362: ADSP-BF60x Blackfin® Processors System Optimization Techniques (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-362: Code Example adsp-bf561
    EE-365: Maximizing ADC Sampling Rate on ADSP-CM40x Mixed-Signal Control Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-365: Code example adsp-bf561
    EE-358: Interfacing Red/Clear Sensors to ADSP-BF609® Blackfin Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-354: UART Enhancements on ADSP-BF60x Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-352: Soldering Considerations for Exposed-Pad Packages (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
    EE-352: Associated Files adsp-21262
    EE-351: Using the ADSP-BF592 Blackfin® Processor Tools Utility ROM (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-351: Associated Spreadsheet adsp-bf561
    EE-350: Seamlessly Interfacing MEMS Microphones with Blackfin Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-350: Code Example adsp-bf561
    EE-335: Interfacing SD Cards with Blackfin Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-335: Code Example adsp-bf561
    EE-347: Formatted Print to a UART Terminal with Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 3) adsp-bf561
    EE-347: Code example adsp-bf561
    EE-271: 高速缓冲存储器在Blackfin®处理器中的应用 (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-339: 采用外部开关电源为Blackfin®处理器供电 (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-338: Blackfin®处理器与电力线网络物理层器件Intellon INT5200的接口 (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-338: Associated ZIP File (Rev 1, 05/2008) adsp-bf561
    EE-333: Blackfin®处理器与Winbond W25X16 SPI Flash设备的连接 (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-333: Associated Code (Rev 1, 1/2008) adsp-bf561
    EE-332: 周期计数与分析 adsp-ts101s
    EE-331: ADSP-BF54x Blackfin®处理器增强的UART (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-326: Blackfin®处理器与SDRAM技术 (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-339: Using External Switching Regulators with Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-332: Cycle Counting and Profiling (Rev. 2) adsp-ts101s
    EE-332: Code example adsp-ts101s
    EE-331: UART Enhancements on ADSP-BF54x Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-326: Blackfin® Processor and SDRAM Technology (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-326: Code example adsp-bf561
    EE-271: Using Cache Memory on Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-271: Code example adsp-bf561
    EE-240: ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® Booting Process (Rev. 4) adsp-bf561
    EE-307: Blackfin®处理器利用VisualDSP++®工具的调试方法 (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-341: Blackfin®专用管脚复用插件 (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-341: Code example (Rev 1, 05/2008) adsp-bf561
    EE-340: SHARC®处理器和Blackfin®处理器的SPI 连接 (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
    EE-337: ADSP-BF52x 和ADSP-BF54x Blackfin®处理器上的主DMA 接口 (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-336: ADSP-BF54x Blackfin®处理器的启动 (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-334: 利用Blackfin®处理器休眠状态实现待机低功耗 (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-301: Blackfin®处理器上开发多媒体应用软件的视频模板 (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-281: Blackfin®处理器硬件设计注意事项 (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-229: ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 Blackfin®功耗估算 (Rev. 4) adsp-bf561
    EE-175: 仿真器与EZ-KIT Lite®评估系统问题解决指南 (Rev. 10) adsp-ts101s
    EE-175: RMA forms (Rev 10, 11/2007) adsp-ts101s
    EE-149: 调试Blackfin®处理器编译C 源代码 adsp-bf561
    EE-68: JTAG 仿真技术参考 (Rev. 10) adsp-ts101s
    EE-340: Connecting SHARC® and Blackfin® Processors over SPI (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
    EE-340: Code example adsp-21262
    EE-337: Host DMA Port on ADSP-BF52x and ADSP-BF54x Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-337: Code example adsp-bf561
    EE-336: Putting ADSP-BF54x Blackfin® Processor Booting into Practice (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-336: Code example adsp-bf561
    EE-301: Video Templates for Developing Multimedia Applications on Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-301: Video Template Code adsp-bf561
    EE-229: Estimating Power for ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 4) adsp-bf561
    EE-229: Power Spreadsheets adsp-bf561
    EE-312: Building Complex VDK/LwIP Applications Using Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-312: Code example adsp-bf561
    EE-344: Using the NAND Flash Controller on Blackfin Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    Code example adsp-bf561
    EE-281: Hardware Design Checklist for the Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-297: Estimating Power for ADSP-BF534/BF536/BF537 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 3) adsp-bf561
    EE-297: Power Spreadsheets adsp-bf561
    EE-341: Expert Pin Multiplexing Plug-in for Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 3) adsp-bf561
    EE-341: Code Example adsp-bf561
    EE-338: Interfacing Blackfin® Processors to the Intellon INT5200 HomePlug PHY (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-338: Associated ZIP File adsp-bf561
    EE-334: Using Blackfin® Processor Hibernate State for Low Standby Power (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-334: Associated ZIP File adsp-bf561
    EE-120: Interfacing Assembly Language Programs to C adsp-ts101s
    EE-321: Connecting Blackfin® Processors to the AD7656 SAR ADC (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-321: Associated ZIP File adsp-bf561
    EE-204: Blackfin® Processor SCCB Software Interface for Configuring I2C® Slave Devices (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-204: Associated Code (Rev 3, 02/2008) adsp-bf561
    EE-333: Interfacing Blackfin® Processors to Winbond W25X16 SPI Flash Devices (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-333: Associated Code adsp-bf561
    EE-323: Implementing Dynamically Loaded Software Modules (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
    EE-323: Associated Code adsp-21262
    EE-245: AD7276高速数据转换器与ADSP-BF535 Blackfin®处理器的接口 (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-245 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-330: Windows Vista Compatibility in VisualDSP++ 5.0 Development Tools (Rev. 1) adsp-ts101s
    EE-325: Interfacing Atmel Fingerprint Sensor AT77C104B with Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-325: Code Example adsp-bf561
    EE-298: Estimating Power for ADSP-BF538/BF539 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-298: Power Spreadsheets adsp-bf561
    EE-324: System Optimization Techniques for Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-324: Associated Code adsp-bf561
    EE-293: Estimating Power for ADSP-BF561 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-293: Power Spreadsheets adsp-bf561
    EE-294: Energy-Aware Programming on Blackfin Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-315: Changing the PHY in the Ethernet Driver for Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-315: Associated Code adsp-bf561
    EE-175: Emulator and Evaluation Hardware Troubleshooting Guide for VisualDSP++ Users (Rev. 14) adsp-ts101s
    EE-175: Associated Files adsp-ts101s
    EE-314: Booting the ADSP-BF561 Blackfin® Processor (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-314: Associated Code adsp-bf561
    EE-311: VisualDSP++® Flash Programmer API for Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-311: Code Example adsp-bf561
    EE-310: Running Two Network Interfaces with ADSP-BF537 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-310: Code Example adsp-bf561
    EE-307: Blackfin® Processor Troubleshooting Tips Using VisualDSP++® Tools (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-308: Estimating and Optimizing Booting Time for Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-308: Associated ZIP File adsp-bf561
    EE-309: Power Mode Transition Times of Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-306: PGO Linker - A Code Layout Tool for Blackfin Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-306: Associated File adsp-bf561
    EE-304: Using the Blackfin® Processor SPORT to Emulate a SPI Interface (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-304: Associated Source Code adsp-bf561
    EE-303: Using VisualDSP++® Thread-Safe Libraries with a Third-Party RTOS (Rev. 1) adsp-ts101s
    EE-302: Interfacing ADSP-BF53x Blackfin® Processors to NAND FLASH Memory (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-300: Interfacing Blackfin® EZ-KIT Lite® Boards to CMOS Image Sensors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-300: Sensor Table adsp-bf561
    EE-289: Implementing FAT32 File Systems on ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-289 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-258: Interfacing Micron MT9V022 Image Sensors to Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-256: Using the ADSP-BF561 Blackfin® Processor as a TFT-LCD Controller (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-256 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-288: USB OTG Interface for ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-288 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-242: PWM and Class-D Amplifiers with ADSP-BF535 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-242 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-276: Video Framework Considerations for Image Processing on Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-273: Using the VisualDSP++ Command-Line Installer (Rev. 1) adsp-ts101s
    EE-272: Managing Multiple DXEs on ADSP-BF561 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-272 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-269: A Beginner’s Guide to Ethernet 802.3 (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-262: ADSP-BF537 Blackfin® Highlights for ADSP-BF533 Users (Rev. 2) adsp-bf561
    EE-262 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-265: Using ADSP-BF561 Blackfin® Processor Flag Pins to Emulate the PCM Interface (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-265 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-261: Understanding Jitter Requirements of PLL-Based Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-ts101s
    EE-228: Switching Regulator Design Considerations for ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-240: ADSP-BF533 Blackfin®加载过程 (Rev. 4) adsp-bf561
    EE-240: Code example adsp-bf561
    EE-257: A Boot Compression/Decompression Algorithm for Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-257 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-254: Interfacing ADSP-21365 SHARC® PDAP to ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® EBIU (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
    EE-254 Software Code adsp-21262
    EE-245: Interfacing AD7276 High-Speed Data Converters to ADSP-BF535 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-245 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-202: Using the Expert Linker for Multiprocessor LDFs (Rev. 3) adsp-ts101s
    EE-202 Software Code adsp-ts101s
    EE-236: Real-Time Solutions Using Mixed-Signal Front-End Devices with the Blackfin® Processor (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-236 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-234: Interfacing T1/E1 Transceivers/Framers to Blackfin® Processors via the Serial Port (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    Software Code and Schematics adsp-bf561
    EE-239: Running Programs from Flash on ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-bf561
    EE-235: An Introduction to Scripting in VisualDSP++® (Rev. 1) adsp-ts101s
    EE-214: Ethernet Network Interface for ADSP-BF535 Blackfin® Processors adsp-bf561
    EE-187: Using the PCI Interface on the ADSP-BF535 Blackfin® Processor in Host Mode adsp-bf561
    EE-187 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-183: Rational Sample Rate Conversion with Blackfin® Processors (Rev. 5) adsp-bf561
    EE-183 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-210: SDRAM Selection and Configuration Guidelines for ADI Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-ts101s
    EE-207: Using the ADSP-BF535 Blackfin Processor's PCI interface in the Device Mode adsp-bf561
    EE-207 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-197: ADSP-BF531/532/533 Blackfin® Processor Multi-cycle Instructions and Latencies adsp-bf561
    EE-206: ADSP-BF535 Blackfin Processor PCI Interface Performance adsp-bf561
    EE-203: Interfacing the ADSP-BF535/ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® Processor to NTSC/PAL video decoder over the asynchronous port. adsp-bf561
    EE-162: Interfacing the ADSP-21535 to AD9860/2 High-Speed Converters over the External Memory Bus adsp-bf561
    EE-162 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-196: ADSP-BF535 Blackfin® EZ-KIT Lite™ CompactFlash® Interface adsp-bf561
    EE-196 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-192: Using C To Create Interrupt-Driven Systems On Blackfin® Processors adsp-bf561
    EE-184: Interfacing EPSON S1D13806 memory display controller to Blackfin® Processors adsp-bf561
    EE-193: Interfacing the ADSP-BF535 Blackfin® Processor to the AD73322L Codec adsp-bf561
    EE-193 Software Code adsp-bf561
    EE-181: Interfacing the ADSP-BF535 Blackfin® Processor to Single-Chip CIF Digital Camera “OV6630” Over the External Memory Bus adsp-bf561
    EE-181 Software Code, Gerber Files and Schematics adsp-bf561
    EE-68: Analog Devices JTAG Emulation Technical Reference (Rev. 10) adsp-ts101s
    EE-149: Tuning C Source Code for the Blackfin® Processor Compiler adsp-bf561
    EE-172: Using the Dynamic Power Management Functionality of the ADSP-BF535 Blackfin® Processor adsp-bf561
    EE-171: ADSP-BF535 Blackfin® Processor Multi-cycle Instructions and Latencies adsp-bf561
    EE-132: Placing C Code and Data Modules in SHARC memory using VisualDSP++™ adsp-21262
    EE-132 Software Code adsp-21262
    EE-128: DSP in C++: Calling Assembly Class Member Functions From C++ adsp-ts101s
    EE-126: The ABCs of SDRAMemories (Rev. 1) adsp-ts101s
    EE-110: A Quick Primar on ELF and DWARF File Formats adsp-ts101s
    EE-159: Initializing DSP System & Control Registers From C and C++ adsp-ts101s
    EE-104: Setting Up Streams with the VisualDSP Debugger adsp-ts101s
    EE-104 Software Code adsp-ts101s
    EE-74: Analog Devices Serial Port Development and Troubleshooting Guide adsp-21262
    EE-103: Performing Level Conversion Between 5v and 3.3v IC's adsp-ts101s
    ADSP-BF539 Blackfin ® Processor Hardware Reference (Rev. 1.1) adsp-bf539
    ADSP-BF5xx/ADSP-BF60x Blackfin® Processor Programming Reference (Rev. 2.2) adsp-bf561
    CrossCore® Embedded Studio 2.4.0 Assembler and Preprocessor Manual (Rev. 1.8) adsp-21262
    CrossCore® Embedded Studio 2.4.0 Linker and Utilities Manual (Rev. 1.8) adsp-21262
    CrossCore® Embedded Studio 2.4.0 Loader and Utilities Manual (Rev. 1.8) adsp-21262
    CrossCore® Embedded Studio 2.4.0 C/C++ Compiler and Library Manual for Blackfin Processors (Rev. 1.8) adsp-bf561
    lwIP for CrossCore® Embedded Studio 1.0.0 User’s Guide (Rev. 1.1) adsp-21262
    CrossCore软件许可指南,修订版1.1,2012年7月(pdf,360 kB) (Rev. 1.4) adsp-21262
    CrossCore® Software Licensing Guide (Rev. 1.5) adsp-21262
    VisualDSP++® 5.0 Assembler and Preprocessor Manual (Rev. 3.4) adsp-ts101s
    VisualDSP++® 5.0 C/C++ Compiler and Library Manual for Blackfin Processors (Rev. 5.4) adsp-bf561
    VisualDSP++® 5.0 Loader and Utilities Manual (Rev. 2.5) adsp-ts101s
    VisualDSP++® 5.0 Device Drivers and System Services Manual for Blackfin Processors (Rev. 4.3) adsp-bf561
    VisualDSP++® 5.0 Licensing Guide (Rev. 1.4) adsp-ts101s
    VisualDSP++® 5.0 Kernel (VDK) Users Guide (Rev. 3.5) adsp-ts101s
    VisualDSP++® 5.0 Linker and Utilities Manual (Rev. 3.5) adsp-ts101s
    VisualDSP++® 5.0 Users Guide (Rev. 3.0) adsp-ts101s
    VisualDSP++® 5.0 Quick Installation Reference Card (Rev. 3.1) adsp-ts101s
    VisualDSP++® 5.0 Getting Started Guide (Rev. 3.0) adsp-ts101s
    VisualDSP++® 5.0 Product Release Bulletin (Rev. 3.0) adsp-ts101s
    ICE-1000/ICE-2000 Emulator User’s Guide (Rev. 1.2) adsp-21262
    HPUSB, USB, and HPPCI Emulator User’s Guide (Rev. 3.2) adsp-21262
    ICE-100B Emulator User’s Guide (Rev. 1.1) adsp-21262
    ADSP-BF539/BF539F Blackfin Anomaly List for Revisions 0.4, 0.5 (Rev. Q) adsp-bf539
    Blackfin Processor Family Product Highlight adsp-bf561
    Blackfin/SHARC USB EZ-Extender手册,修订版1.1,2012年7月 (Rev. 1.1) adsp-21262
    Blackfin®/SHARC® USB EZ-Extender® Manual (Rev. 1.1) adsp-21262
    Blackfin® USB-LAN EZ-Extender® Manual (Rev. 2.2) adsp-bf531
    Blackfin® EZ-Extender® Manual (Rev. 4.1) adsp-bf561
    Blackfin® A-V EZ-Extender® Manual (Rev. 2.1) adsp-bf561
    Blackfin® FPGA EZ-Extender® Manual (Rev. 2.1) adsp-bf561
    LabVIEW 1000m Below the Waves: Synchronized Sampling of Autonomous Units... adsp-bf561
    Device-Based Social Networking adsp-bf561
    Sonarics Labs与ADI公司制定经济型数字无线电接收器发展计划 adsp-bf561
    High Performance DSPs for Portable Applications adsp-bf561