Flash (kBytes):1024 kBytes
SRAM (kBytes):152
Temp. Range (deg C):-40 to 85

The Atmel®| SMART SAM4CP16B is a Smart Metering platform based on a high performance 32-bit, dual core ARM Cortex-M4 RISC processor providing maximum speed of 120 MHz each, 1Mbytes of embedded Flash, 128 Kbytes of SRAM and on-chip cache. SAM4CP16B includes an advanced cryptographic engine and embeds a modem for PRIME power line communication (PLC). PRIME (PoweR Line Intelligent Metering Evolution) is a mature, consolidated and worldwide PLC standard for Advanced Metering, Grid Control and Asset Monitoring applications. Atmel PRIME modem implementation includes enhanced PHY layer features such as additional robust modes and frequency band extension. The SAM4CP16B's unique dual ARM Cortex-M4 architecture supports implementation of signal processing, application and communications firmware in independent partitions.

Ordering Code 订购信息
ATSAM4CP16B-AHU-YLQFP 176L2 176Industrial (A) (-40°C to 85°C)
DataSheet 数据手册
Brochures and Flyers
SAM4CP16B Datasheet (文件大小: 14.84 MB, 1093 页数, 修订版 K, 更新时间: 09/2016)
Smart Energy Solutions Brochure (文件大小: 3.61 MB, 20 页数, 更新时间: 10/2015)