PEX 8505 PCIe Switches : PEX 8505

The ExpressLane™ PEX 8505 5-lane, 5-port switch product offers PCI Express switching capability conforming to the PCI Express Specification r1.1. This device with an equal number of lanes and ports can be used in a wide variety of applications including control planes in the communications and networking markets, embedded systems, notebook and docking stations, set-top boxes, digital video recorders and multi-function printers. The PEX 8505 architecture supports packet cut-thru with the industry's lowest latency of 138ns (x2 to x1). This, combined with large packet memory (1024 byte maximum payload size) and non-blocking internal switch architecture, provide full line-rate on all ports. This switch is hardware configurable and software programmable, allowing users to tailor their port configurations and quality-of-service system needs to suit their application requirements. The PEX 8505 is offered in the industry's smallest package of 15 x 15mm 196-ball PBGA. The device is available in leaded and lead-free packaging.

Distrib. Inventory
Samples Available
Dual/ Multi Cast
Packaging Size15mm X 15mm
PCI-SIG® Base Spec.r1.1/1.0a
Port Count5
Power Typ.0.8
Read PacingNo
SSC (Spread Spectrum Clocking )
Temperature-40°C +85°C
Virtual Channels1
Compliance Docs and Certifications (4)
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Quality & Reliability (1)
Rapid Development Kit (2)
Reliability Data Sheet (1)
Selection Guide (1)
Test Report (2)