
Silicon Schottky Diodes

Budgetary Price €€/1k0.15
VR  max4.0V
IF  max110.0mA
CT    (max)0.26pF  (0.35pF)
VF  max410.0mV
Sales Product NameBAT15-03W
Product Statusactive and preferred
Package NamePG-SOD323-2
Completely lead freeyes
Halogen freeno
RoHS compliantyes
Packing Size3000
Packing TypeTAPE & REEL
Moisture Level1
Summary of Features:
  • Low barrier type for DBS mixer applications up to 12 GHz, phase detectors and modulators
  • Low noise figure
  • Pb-free (RoHS compliant) package
Target Applications:
  • Wireless Communications
  • Satellite Receivers
  • Base Stations
  • High Speed Data Networks
Data Sheet
bat15series,EN1.1 MB09 十一月 201501_02
Material Content SheetInfo
MCDS_2016-04-27_10-27-54_MA000314964_PG-SOD323-2-1.pdfEN23 KB27 四月 201602_00
PCB Design Data
PCB Footprints & Symbols - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diodes - Altium - v1.01.7 MB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - BAT1503W - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diode - MWO - v2.0.zipEN90 KB29 五月 201501_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diodes - Cadence - v1.0320 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diodes - Eagle - v1.075 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diodes - Mentor - v1.0474 KB22 十月 201301_00
Simulation Data
BAT15_03w_spice_spar.zip20 KB31 一月 2008
Package Data
PG-SOD323-2-1 | BAT1503WE6327HTSA1EN461 KB11 四月 201601_00
PCB Design Data
PCB Footprints & Symbols - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diodes - Altium - v1.01.7 MB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - BAT1503W - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diode - MWO - v2.0.zipEN90 KB29 五月 201501_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diodes - Cadence - v1.0320 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diodes - Eagle - v1.075 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diodes - Mentor - v1.0474 KB22 十月 201301_00
EN BAT15-099
Other BAT15-03W
EN BAT15-03W
EN BAT15-03W
EN BAT15-03W
PCB Footprints & Symbols - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diodes - Altium - v1.0 BAT68-04W
PCB Footprints & Symbols - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diodes - Cadence - v1.0 BAT68-04W
PCB Footprints & Symbols - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diodes - Eagle - v1.0 BAT68-04W
PCB Footprints & Symbols - RF Mixer + Detector Schottky Diodes - Mentor - v1.0 BAT68-04W