The BFP640ESD is a Silicon Germanium Carbon (SiGe:C) NPN Heterojunction wideband Bipolar RF Transistor (HBT) in a plastic dual emitter standard package with visible leads. The device is fitted with internal protection circuits, which enhance robustness against ESD and high RF input power strongly. The device combines robustness with very high RF gain and lowest noise figure at low operation current for use in a wide range of wireless applications. The BFP640ESD is especially well-suited for portable battery-powered applications in which reduced power consumption is a key requirement. Device design supports collector voltages up to 4.1 V.

As Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) in:

VCEO  max4.1V
IC  max50.0mA
Sales Product NameBFP640ESD
Product Statusactive and preferred
Package NamePG-SOT343-4
Completely lead freeyes
Halogen freeyes
RoHS compliantyes
Packing Size3000
Packing TypeTAPE & REEL
Summary of Features:
  • Robust high performance low noise amplifier based on Infineon´s reliable, high volume SiGe:C wafer technology
  • 2 kV ESD robustness (HBM) due to integrated protection circuits
  • High maximum RF input power of 21 dBm
  • 0.65 dB minimum noise figure typical at 1.5 GHz, 0.7 dB at 2.4 GHz, 6 mA
  • 26.5 dB maximum gain Gms typical at 1.5 GHz, 23 dB at 2.4 GHz, 30 mA
  • 27 dBm OIP3 typical at 2.4 GHz, 30 mA
  • Accurate SPICE GP model available to enable effective design in process (see chapter 6)
  • Easy to use, Pb- and halogen free (RoHS compliant) standard package with visible leads
Target Applications:
  • Mobile, portable and fixed connectivity applications: WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n, WiMax 2.5 / 3.5 / 5GHz, UWB, Bluetooth
  • Satellite communication systems: Navigation systems (GPS, Glonass), satellite radio (SDARs, DAB) and C-band LNB
  • Multimedia applications such as mobile/portable TV, CATV, FM radio
  • 3G/4G UMTS/LTE mobile phone applications
  • ISM applications like RKE, AMR and Zigbee, as well as for emerging wireless applications. As discrete active mixer, amplifier in VCOs and buffer amplifier
Data Sheet
BFP640ESD,EN1.6 MB17 九月 201201_01
Application Notes
AN218 - BFP640ESD - Ultra Low Noise Amplifier for 2.5 - 2.7 GHz WLAN & WiMAX Applications1.4 MB02 七月 2010
Material Content SheetInfo
MCDS_2016-01-26_06-11-58_MA000796164_PG-SOT343-4-2.pdfEN27 KB26 一月 201602_00
PCB Design Data
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Altium - v1.01 MB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Cadence - v1.0139 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Eagle - v1.027 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Mentor - v1.0176 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - BFP640ESD - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - MWO - v2.0.zipEN241 KB07 一月 201502_00
Evaluation Boards
BFP640ESD BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP640ESD is a low noise wideband NPN bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP740 BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP740 is a low noise wideband NPN bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP740ESD BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP740ESD is a low noise wideband NPN bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP740FESD BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP740FESD is a low noise wideband NPN bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP840ESD BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP840ESD is a hetero-junction bipolar transistor specifically designed for 5 GHz LNA applications.Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BOARD BFP840FESDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP840FESD is a hetero-junction bipolar transistor specifically designed for 5 GHz LNA applications.Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP842ESD BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP842ESD is a hetero-junction bipolar transistor specifically designed for 2.3 - 3.5 GHz LNA applications. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP843 BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP843 is a robust low noise broadband pre-matched bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.
BFR840L3RHESD BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFR840L3RHESD is a hetero-junction bipolar transistor specifically designed for 5 GHz LNA applications.Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFR843EL3 BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFR843EL3 is a robust low noise broadband pre-matched bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP640 BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP640 is a low noise wideband NPN bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
Simulation Models
Infineon-RFtransistor-Keysight-ADS-Design-Kit-SM-v02_00-ENEN940 KB26 十月 201502_00
Infineon-RFTransistor-AWR-MWO-Design-Kit-SM-v02_00-ENEN21.4 MB11 十二月 201502_00
Simulation Data
BFP640ESD - New: Now ready for ADS and MWO281 KB05 十二月 2012
Package Data
PG-SOT343-4-2 | BFP640ESDH6327XTSA1EN455 KB11 四月 201601_00
PCB Design Data
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Altium - v1.01 MB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Cadence - v1.0139 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Eagle - v1.027 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Mentor - v1.0176 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - BFP640ESD - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - MWO - v2.0.zipEN241 KB07 一月 201502_00
AN218 - BFP640ESD - Ultra Low Noise Amplifier for 2.5 - 2.7 GHz WLAN & WiMAX Applications BFP640ESD
BFP640ESD - New: Now ready for ADS and MWO BFP640ESD
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Altium - v1.0 BFR740L3RH
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Cadence - v1.0 BFR740L3RH
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Eagle - v1.0 BFR740L3RH
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Mentor - v1.0 BFR740L3RH