
VCEO  max4.0V
IC  max45.0mA
Sales Product NameBFP740
Product Statusactive and preferred
Package NamePG-SOT343-4
Completely lead freeyes
Halogen freeyes
RoHS compliantyes
Packing Size3000
Packing TypeTAPE & REEL
Moisture Level1
Summary of Features:
  • High gain ultra low noise RF transistor
  • Provides outstanding performance for a wide range of wireless applications up to 10 GHz and more
  • Ideal for CDMA and WLAN applications
  • Outstanding noise figure F = 0.5 dB at 1.8 GHz,Outstanding noise figure F = 0.85 dB at 6 GHz
  • High maximum stable gain :Gms = 27 dB at 1.8 GHz,
  • Gold metallization for extra high reliability
  • 150 GHz fT-Silicon Germanium technology
  • Pb-free (RoHS compliant) package1)
  • Qualified according AEC Q101
Data Sheet
BFP740,EN1.3 MB20 一月 201501_01
Application Notes
AN169 - BFP740 SiGe:C Ultra Low Noise RF Transistor in 5 – 6 GHz LNA Application with 15 dB Gain, 1.3 dB Noise Figure & ~ 100 nanosecond Turn-On / Turn-Off Time1,005 KB21 十一月 2008
TR103 - BFP740 Wimax LNA 2G5302 KB18 十二月 2009
TR104 - BFP740 Wimax LNA 3G5422 KB18 十二月 2009
Product Brief
Infineon-RF Transistors 7th Generation-PB-v01_00-ENEN299 KB15 六月 201601_01
Infineon-RF Transistors 7th Generation-PB-v01_00-CNCN580 KB15 五月 201601_01
Material Content SheetInfo
MCDS_2016-03-19_04-38-52_MA000808842_PG-SOT343-4-2.pdfEN27 KB19 三月 201602_00
PCB Design Data
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Altium - v1.01 MB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Cadence - v1.0139 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Eagle - v1.027 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Mentor - v1.0176 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - BFP740 - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - MWO - v2.0.zipEN241 KB07 一月 201502_00
Evaluation Boards
BFP640ESD BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP640ESD is a low noise wideband NPN bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP740 BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP740 is a low noise wideband NPN bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP740ESD BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP740ESD is a low noise wideband NPN bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP740FESD BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP740FESD is a low noise wideband NPN bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP840ESD BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP840ESD is a hetero-junction bipolar transistor specifically designed for 5 GHz LNA applications.Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BOARD BFP840FESDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP840FESD is a hetero-junction bipolar transistor specifically designed for 5 GHz LNA applications.Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP842ESD BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP842ESD is a hetero-junction bipolar transistor specifically designed for 2.3 - 3.5 GHz LNA applications. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP843 BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP843 is a robust low noise broadband pre-matched bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.
BFR840L3RHESD BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFR840L3RHESD is a hetero-junction bipolar transistor specifically designed for 5 GHz LNA applications.Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFR843EL3 BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFR843EL3 is a robust low noise broadband pre-matched bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
BFP640 BOARDUltra Low Noise SiGe:C Transistors for use up to 12 GHzThe BFP640 is a low noise wideband NPN bipolar RF transistor. Please refer to an application note or a technical report when you order the evaluation board.on request
Simulation Models
Infineon-RFtransistor-Keysight-ADS-Design-Kit-SM-v02_00-ENEN940 KB26 十月 201502_00
Infineon-RFTransistor-AWR-MWO-Design-Kit-SM-v02_00-ENEN21.4 MB11 十二月 201502_00
Infineon-TR1087-BFP740-AWR-MWO-Apllication-Example-SM-v01_00-ENEN135 KB26 十月 201501_00
Simulation Data
BFP740672 KB16 五月 2013
Package Data
PG-SOT343-4-2 | BFP740H6327XTSA1EN580 KB11 四月 201601_00
PCB Design Data
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Altium - v1.01 MB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Cadence - v1.0139 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Eagle - v1.027 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Mentor - v1.0176 KB22 十月 201301_00
PCB Footprints & Symbols - BFP740 - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - MWO - v2.0.zipEN241 KB07 一月 201502_00
AN169 - BFP740 SiGe:C Ultra Low Noise RF Transistor in 5 – 6 GHz LNA Application with 15 dB Gain, 1.3 dB Noise Figure & ~ 100 na BFP740
BFP740 BFP740
TR103 - BFP740 Wimax LNA 2G5 BFP740
TR104 - BFP740 Wimax LNA 3G5 BFP740
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Altium - v1.0 BFR740L3RH
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Cadence - v1.0 BFR740L3RH
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Eagle - v1.0 BFR740L3RH
PCB Footprints & Symbols - Ultra Low Noise SiGeC Transistors for use up to 12 GHz - Mentor - v1.0 BFR740L3RH