
KP200 is a PSI5 and AK-LV 29 compliant and fully mono-lithically integrated pressure sensor system for the detection of side crashes in passenger cars. In this application, the pressure sensor is assembled in a module located within the car’s side doors. When the door is compressed due to a side impact, the KP200 provides a signal pulse which is proportional to the pressure change inside the door.

DescriptionPressure Sensor for Side Crash Detection
Pressure Range (psi)  min  max7.62psi  15.95psi
Pressure Range (kPa)  min  max52.6kPa  110.0kPa
Pressure Range (mBar)  min  max526.0mBar  1100.0mBar
Supply Voltage  min  max4.5V  11.0V
Sales Product NameKP200
Product Statusactive and preferred
Package NamePG-DSOF-8
Completely lead freeyes
Halogen freeyes
RoHS compliantyes
Packing Size1500
Packing TypeTAPE & REEL
Moisture Level1
Summary of Features:
  • „„Fully compliant to PSI5 and AK-LV 29
  • „„Patented online diagnoses for pressure cells and
  • „„Circuitry with PRO-SIL™ support IEC 61508 and ISO WD 26262
  • „„Synchronous and asynchronous data transmission
  • „„2-wire interface with Manchester communication
  • „„Unique ID number
  • „„Serial service interface
  • „„Reverse polarity protection
  • „„SMD package (PG-DSOF-8)
Application Notes
PG-DSOF-8-16 Pressure Package Pick and Place1.3 MB01 九月 201101_01
New Applications for Integrated Pressure Sensors2.4 MB22 十二月 201101_01
Recommendations for Assembly of PG-DSOF-8-16 Package1.1 MB21 九月 201102_01
Product Brief
KP200-PRO-SIL™ Pressure Sensor for Side Crash Detection and Pedestrian Protection Systems458 KB12 八月 201301_01
Product Selection Guide
Sensor Solutions for Automotive, Industrial and Consumer Applications 2016EN5.7 MB28 四月 201601_01
Material Content SheetInfo
MCDS_2016-01-13_05-35-34_MA000852196_PG-DSOF-8-16.pdfEN29 KB13 一月 201601_00
PCB Design Data
PCB Footprints and Symbols - KP200 - Pressure Sensor for Side Crash Detection (SAB) - Mentor - v1.0EN2 KB13 五月 201601_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - KP200 - Pressure Sensor for Side Crash Detection (SAB) - Eagle - v1.0EN2 KB13 五月 201601_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - KP200 - Pressure Sensor for Side Crash Detection (SAB) - Cadence - v1.0EN12 KB13 五月 201601_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - KP200 - Pressure Sensor for Side Crash Detection (SAB) - Altium - v1.0EN544 KB13 五月 201601_00
Package Data
PG-DSOF-8-16 | KP200XTMA2EN344 KB11 四月 201601_00
PCB Design Data
PCB Footprints and Symbols - KP200 - Pressure Sensor for Side Crash Detection (SAB) - Mentor - v1.0EN2 KB13 五月 201601_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - KP200 - Pressure Sensor for Side Crash Detection (SAB) - Eagle - v1.0EN2 KB13 五月 201601_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - KP200 - Pressure Sensor for Side Crash Detection (SAB) - Cadence - v1.0EN12 KB13 五月 201601_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - KP200 - Pressure Sensor for Side Crash Detection (SAB) - Altium - v1.0EN544 KB13 五月 201601_00
EN KP200
EN KP200
EN KP200
EN KP200
EN KP200
EN KP200
EN SP370-23-156-0
KP200-PRO-SIL™ Pressure Sensor for Side Crash Detection and Pedestrian Protection Systems KP200
New Applications for Integrated Pressure Sensors KP229E3518
PG-DSOF-8-16 Pressure Package Pick and Place KP229E3518
Recommendations for Assembly of PG-DSOF-8-16 Package KP229E3518