
The SmartLEWIS™ MCU family comprises an ASK/FSK transmitter for the sub 1GHz ISM frequency bands with embedded 8051 microcontroller as base functionality. Additionally, exciting peripheral functions are integrated, building a fully flexible and pin-compatible product family. You can use the internal multi-channel 10-bit analog to digital converter with its flexible high gain settings as interface for a broad variety of analog sensors. The integrated LF-Receiver enables wireless wake-up in battery operated applications with ultra-long-lifetime or even contactless configuration of the device. A comprehensive software function library with high level commands in ROM allows easy and fast time to market development and helps reducing the user code size and as such expensive flash memory size. The software function library provides many powerful functions like AES-encryption and EEPROM emulation. The SmartLEWIS™ MCU includes an advanced power control system making this family ideal for battery operated applications where low current consumption is necessary. In combination with state-of-the-art development tools this makes RF easy to use for everyone allowing simple and fast time-to-market.

Frequency Band315.0MHz
Frequency Band434.0MHz
Frequency Band868.0MHz
Frequency Band915.0MHz
Channel Requirements per BandSingle Channel
Modulation TypeASK / FSK
Transmit Power (@3V)5.0dBm
Transmit Power (@3V)8.0dBm
Transmit Power (@3V)10.0dBm
Integrated Microcontrolleryes
Memory6k Flash; 256byte RAM, 31 byte emulated EEPROM
LF Receiverno
Temperature  min  max-40.0°C  85.0°C
Frequency Range (@ 25°C)  min  max300.0MHz  320.0MHz
Frequency Range (@ 25°C)  min  max433.0MHz  450.0MHz
Frequency Range (@ 25°C)  min  max865.0MHz  870.0MHz
Frequency Range (@ 25°C)  min  max902.0MHz  928.0MHz
Supply Voltage  min  max1.9V  3.6V
Automotive Qualifiedno
Sales Product NamePMA7106
Product Statusnot for new design
Package NamePG-TSSOP-38
Completely lead freeyes
Halogen freeyes
RoHS compliantyes
Packing Size3000
Packing TypeTAPE & REEL
Moisture Level3
Summary of Features:
  • Embedded peripherals: — Manchester/biphase encoder/ decoder — 16-bit CRC generator/checker — Pseudo random number generator — Watchdog timer
  • 10-bit ADC with 3 differential inputs
  • 125kHz LF ASK receiver
  • 10 general purpose I/Os
  • I2C and SPI interface
  • Integrated temperature and low battery sensor
  • Autonomous system controller for enhanced power management
  • Ultra low standby current: < 0.5μA
  • Unique-ID on-chip
  • Voltage range: 1.9 to 3.6V
  • Temperature range: -40 to + 85°C
  • Flexibility of design: only one device covering the sub 1GHz ISM frequency bands and three output power levels
  • High level of integration with only a few external components lowers system cost and increases reliability
  • ADC with flexible high gain settings and differential or single ended inputs support a broad variety of analog sensors
  • 125kHz LF Receiver with wireless wakeup or contactless configuration of the device
  • Extend battery life due to advanced power control system
  • Easy-to-use tools enable to shorten development time
Target Applications:
  • Remote controls
  • Home automation systems
  • Security and alarm systems
  • Automatic meter reading
  • Active tagging/RFID
  • Wireless sensing
  • PMA51xx for automotive or
  • Harsh environment
Data Sheet
PMA71xx,EN5.5 MB02 六月 201002_01
Product Overview
Short Technical Portfolio Overview204 KB13 五月 201301_01
Application Notes
AN Stabilizing the RF Output Power1.4 MB01 三月 201101_00
PMA Software Framework AN1 MB23 六月 201001_02
PMA AN I2C Interface1.2 MB26 四月 201001_01
PMA Protocol Examples AN1.4 MB09 十月 200901_00
PMA ADC Appnote915 KB04 三月 201001_00
RF Remote Controlled LED Lamp5 MB14 八月 201301_01
PMAx1xx-Protocol Examples for ISM Band Applications (Chinese)(中文)CN968 KB09 十月 200901_00
PMAfob Software Example1.1 MB11 十月 201001_02
PMAx1xx - PMAfob: A Keyfob Software Example (Chinese)(中文)CN923 KB11 十月 201001_02
Product Brief
PMA71xx337 KB29 九月 2011
FAQ Document
FAQs for SmartLEWIS MCU family362 KB16 十一月 201201_02
Application Brochure
Solutions for Wind Energy Systems5.4 MB01 四月 201301_00
Transportation Brochure (24-60V)6.9 MB01 七月 2013
Application Examples
PMA Application Whitepaper1.2 MB20 五月 2009
Application Whitepaper - RF or Infrared419 KB29 九月 201001_00
Material Content SheetInfo
MCDS_2013-08-29_04-02-20_MA000793216_PG-TSSOP-38-4.pdf24 KB31 十月 201301_00
PCB Design Data
PCB Footprints and Symbols - PMA7106 - Wireless Control Transmitter + Microcontroller - MWO – v2.0.zipEN255 KB28 四月 201501_00
PCB Footprints&Symbols - Transmitter + Microcontroller - Altium165 KB30 九月 201301_00
PCB Footprints&Symbols - Transmitter + Microcontroller - Cadence166 KB30 九月 201301_00
PCB Footprints&Symbols - Transmitter + Microcontroller - Eagle28 KB30 九月 201301_00
PCB Footprints&Symbols - Transmitter + Microcontroller - Mentor166 KB30 九月 201301_00
Package Data
PG-TSSOP-38-4 | PMA7106XUMA1EN488 KB11 四月 201601_00
PCB Design Data
PCB Footprints and Symbols - PMA7106 - Wireless Control Transmitter + Microcontroller - MWO – v2.0.zipEN255 KB28 四月 201501_00
PCB Footprints&Symbols - Transmitter + Microcontroller - Altium165 KB30 九月 201301_00
PCB Footprints&Symbols - Transmitter + Microcontroller - Cadence166 KB30 九月 201301_00
PCB Footprints&Symbols - Transmitter + Microcontroller - Eagle28 KB30 九月 201301_00
PCB Footprints&Symbols - Transmitter + Microcontroller - Mentor166 KB30 九月 201301_00
Development Tools
PMAx1xx - Software and Tools Overview1.3 MB19 十一月 200901_00
PMA Starterkit User Guide1.6 MB21 四月 201002_01
PMA Evaluation Kit User Guide2.2 MB17 十二月 200901_00
PMA Function Library136 KB20 七月 201002_03
PMA Software Framework443 KB22 七月 201002_02
PMA Protocol Examples SW110 KB09 十月 200901_00
PMA ADC Examples530 KB04 三月 201001_00
PMA Starter Kit Software3.8 MB24 六月 201002_04
PMA Evaluation Kit Software6 MB24 六月 201002_02
PMA Function Library Guide1.7 MB01 六月 201001_05
EN PMA7110
AN Stabilizing the RF Output Power PMA5110
Solutions for Wind Energy Systems TLE4954CB+E2
EN PMA7106
MCDS_2013-08-29_04-02-20_MA000793216_PG-TSSOP-38-4.pdf PMA7106
PMA Starterkit User Guide PMA5110
PMA71xx PMA7110
PMA ADC Appnote PMA5110
CN PMA5110
PMA Protocol Examples AN PMA5110
PMA Software Framework AN PMA5110
PMA Evaluation Kit User Guide PMA5110
FAQs for SmartLEWIS MCU family PMA5110
PMA Function Library Guide PMA5110
PMA AN I2C Interface PMA5110
PMAx1xx - Software and Tools Overview PMA5110
PMAfob Software Example PMA5110
PMA ADC Examples PMA5110
PMA Evaluation Kit Software PMA5110
PMA Function Library PMA5110
PMA Protocol Examples SW PMA5110
PMA Software Framework PMA5110
PMA Starter Kit Software PMA5110
CN PMA5110
PMA Application Whitepaper PMA5110
RF Remote Controlled LED Lamp PMA5110
Application Whitepaper - RF or Infrared PMA7110
PCB Footprints&Symbols - Transmitter + Microcontroller - Altium PMA5110
PCB Footprints&Symbols - Transmitter + Microcontroller - Cadence PMA5110
PCB Footprints&Symbols - Transmitter + Microcontroller - Eagle PMA5110
PCB Footprints&Symbols - Transmitter + Microcontroller - Mentor PMA5110
Transportation Brochure (24-60V) KP229E3518
Short Technical Portfolio Overview smartlewis-trx-tda-5340