SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50 AA

The XC238xA (LQFP-144), XC236xA (LQFP-100) and XC2336A (LQFP-64) microcontroller series is based on Infineon's popular and well-established C166 architecture.

ParametricSAH-XC2361A-72F80L50 AA
Clock Frequency  max80.0MHz
SRAM (incl. Cache)50.0kByte
CAN Nodes2
A/D Input Lines (incl. FADC)16
Program Memory576.0kByte
Type of MemoryFlash
Number of ADC Modules2.0
Digital I/O Pins76
EEPROM Emulation (Data-Flash)yes
Timed I/O Pins (PWM, CAPCOM)24
Serial I/O Interfaces6
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesCAN
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesI²C
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesI²S
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesLIN
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesSPI
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesUART
Instruction Width ([bits])16/32
Instruction Set ArchitectureC166S V2 (16-bit)
Peripheral Control Processorno
DMA Channels8
External Bus Interfaceyes
Fast Flash Programmingyes
Temperature-40 to 110°C
Power Mode2
DSP Functionalityyes
On-chip Clock Generationyes
I/O Operation Voltages3.3V
I/O Operation Voltages5.0V
Touch/LED Matrix Controlno
On-chip Voltage Regulatoryes
Real Time Clockyes
Floating Point Unitno
Watchdog Timeryes
Oscillator Watchdogyes
Additional Featuresno comment
Sales Product NameSAH-XC2361A-72F80L50 AA
Product Statusnot for new design
Package NamePG-LQFP-100
Completely lead freeyes
Halogen freeyes
RoHS compliantyes
Packing Size1000
Packing TypeTAPE & REEL
Moisture Level3
Summary of Features:
  • Package: PG-LQFP-100
  • CAN Nodes: 2
  • Program Memory: 576.0 KByte
  • FlexRay™: no
  • Type of Serial I/O Interfaces: SPI, LIN, UART, IIC or IIS
Data Sheet
xc2361a100 Data Sheet,EN2.8 MB29 四月 201502_12
Application Notes
AP24026 - EMC and System-ESD Design Guidelines for Board LayoutEN2.9 MB15 三月 201603_05
Power Management with SCU Driver - description702 KB13 八月 201301_01
XE166/XC2000 Pin Configuration, Power Supply and Reset1.3 MB08 六月 201101_01
EEPROM Emulation Driver for XC2000 / XE166 - description1.2 MB09 七月 201201_03
XC2000 Flashprogramming via CAN BSL - description1.5 MB15 十月 200901_00
Using an I2C Temperature Sensor with the XC22xx microcontroller1.4 MB16 六月 201001_00
DSP Optimization Guide for XC2000/XC166/XE166 Microcontroller Families with MAC Unit965 KB03 一月 201201_01
XC2000ED Presentation804 KB03 四月 201401_00
User Manual
XC2000/XE166 Programmers Guide2.1 MB15 九月 201002_01
C166S V2 Core User's Manual5.3 MB02 一月 201201_07
Errata Sheet
XC2300A Errata Sheet1.9 MB02 七月 201301_06
XC2080ED, XC2090ED Errata Sheet2.9 MB03 四月 201401_06
Additional Technical Information
XC236XA Data Sheet3.4 MB30 六月 2014
Material Content SheetInfo
MCDS_2013-08-29_05-47-55_MA001035942_PG-LQFP-100-8.pdf23 KB31 十月 201301_00
PCB Design Data
PCB Footprints and Symbols - SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50 AA - XC23xxA-Series - Altium - v1.0.zipEN29 KB23 一月 201501_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50 AA - XC23xxA-Series - Mentor - v1.0.zipEN33 KB23 一月 201501_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50 AA - XC23xxA-Series - Eagle - v1.0.zipEN6 KB23 一月 201501_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50 AA - XC23xxA-Series - Cadence - v1.0.zipEN51 KB23 一月 201501_00
Evaluation Boards
KIT_DAP_MINIWIGGLER_USBMicrocontrollerThe miniWiggler is Infineon’s high performance and cost-efficient debugging tool for the future. On the host side, it has an USB interface, which is available on every computer. On the device side, the communication goes over Infineon 10-pin DAP or 16-pin OCDSL1 interfaces. The miniWiggler has been designed specifically to work in combination with Infineon’s Debug Access Software (DAS).All microcontrollers with DAP interfaceactive and preferred
KIT_XC2361A_SKMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XC2361A?? including Getting Started, DAVE™, technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XC2361Aactive and preferred
PCB Design Data
PCB Footprints and Symbols - SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50 AA - XC23xxA-Series - Altium - v1.0.zipEN29 KB23 一月 201501_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50 AA - XC23xxA-Series - Mentor - v1.0.zipEN33 KB23 一月 201501_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50 AA - XC23xxA-Series - Eagle - v1.0.zipEN6 KB23 一月 201501_00
PCB Footprints and Symbols - SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50 AA - XC23xxA-Series - Cadence - v1.0.zipEN51 KB23 一月 201501_00
EN SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50+AA
DSP Optimization Guide for XC2000/XC166/XE166 Microcontroller Families with MAC Unit SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
XE166/XC2000 Pin Configuration, Power Supply and Reset SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
XC2000 Flashprogramming via CAN BSL - description SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
Power Management with SCU Driver - description SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
Using an I2C Temperature Sensor with the XC22xx microcontroller SAK-XC2287M-104F80L+AA
EEPROM Emulation Driver for XC2000 / XE166 - description SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
C166S V2 Core User's Manual SAF-XC167CI-32F40F+BB-A
XC2000ED Presentation SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
EN SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50+AA
EN SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50+AA
EN SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50+AA
EN SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50+AA
MCDS_2013-08-29_05-47-55_MA001035942_PG-LQFP-100-8.pdf SAH-XC2361A-72F80L50+AA
XC2000/XE166 Programmers Guide SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
XC2080ED, XC2090ED Errata Sheet SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
XC2300A Errata Sheet SAK-XC2364A-104F80L+AA
XC236XA Data Sheet SAK-XC2365A-104F80LR+AB