SAK-TC1797-512F180EF AC

The TC1797 is the performance optimized flagship of the Audo Future product family designed for automotive applications

ParametricSAK-TC1797-512F180EF AC
Budgetary Price €€/1k29.51
Clock Frequency  max180.0MHz
SRAM (incl. Cache)224.0kByte
CAN Nodes4
A/D Input Lines (incl. FADC)48
Program Memory4.0MByte
Type of MemoryFlash
Number of ADC Modules3.0
Digital I/O Pins221
EEPROM Emulation (Data-Flash)yes
Timed I/O Pins (PWM, CAPCOM)118
Serial I/O Interfaces8
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesCAN
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesMLI (Multiprocessor Link Interface)
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesMSC (MicroSecond Channel)
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesSPI
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesUART
Instruction Width ([bits])32/16
Instruction Set ArchitectureTriCore™ v1.3.1 (32-bit)
Peripheral Control Processoryes
DMA Channels16
External Bus Interfaceyes
Fast Flash Programmingno
Temperature-40 to 125°C
Power Mode3
DSP Functionalityyes
On-chip Clock Generationyes
I/O Operation Voltages3.3V
Touch/LED Matrix Controlno
On-chip Voltage Regulatorno
Real Time Clockno
Floating Point Unityes
Watchdog Timeryes
Oscillator Watchdogyes
Additional Featuresno comment
Sales Product NameSAK-TC1797-512F180EF AC
Product Statusactive and preferred
Package NamePG-BGA-416
Completely lead freeyes
Halogen freeyes
RoHS compliantyes
Packing Size500
Packing TypeTAPE & REEL
Product Statusactive and preferred
Package NameP-BGA-416
Completely lead freeno
Halogen freeyes
RoHS compliantno
Packing Size500
Packing TypeTAPE & REEL
Summary of Features:
  • Package: P-BGA-416
  • CAN Nodes: 4
  • Program Memory: 4.0 MB
  • FlexRay™: yes
  • Type of Serial I/O Interfaces: 2xASC, 2xSSC, 2xMSC, 2xMLI
Target Applications:
  • Engine and transmission control units
  • Performance demanding functions like radar equipped adaptive cruise control or chassis domain control
  • High-end piezo direct injection engine control
Data Sheet
TC1797 Data Sheet2.2 MB07 八月 201401_03
Application Notes
AP24026 - EMC and System-ESD Design Guidelines for Board LayoutEN2.9 MB15 三月 201603_05
CRC computation using PCP - software2.3 MB20 三月 201301_00
CRC computation using PCP - description1.1 MB03 二月 201101_00
ADC measurement and specification398 KB09 十二月 201001_01
Migration guide for TriCore™ based Microcontrollers1 MB26 十月 201101_00
TC1782 Electric motor control - software315 KB16 九月 201101_00
DAP Connector801 KB30 四月 201401_04
Concurrent multi-threaded execution - description1.2 MB30 四月 201001_00
Concurrent multi-threaded execution - software466 KB04 十月 201001_00
TriCore AUDO-F Flash Download Using Bootstrap Loader - description1.4 MB08 十二月 200801_01
TriCore AUDO-F Flash Download Using Bootstrap Loader - software1.3 MB08 十二月 200801_01
Design Guideline for TC1797 Microcontroller Board Layout593 KB10 一月 201202_05
How to clear interrupts by SW?333 KB16 五月 201303_00
TriCore Electromagnetic Emission Summary1.6 MB01 五月 201001_00
Scalable PadsElectrical Specification of Scalable Output Drivers in 130nm CMOS Technology2.8 MB03 一月 201201_01
TC1797 to TC1798 Programme Differences649 KB28 十月 2010
AUDO FUTURE Product Presentation392 KB01 二月 2010
Product Brief
TC1797 Product Brief172 KB07 七月 2009
Errata Sheet
TC1797 Errata Sheet EES-AC, ES-AC, AC3.9 MB05 七月 201201_04
hanser automotive: FlexRay Controller - integrated or descrete?.pdf1 MB25 一月 2008
TC1797 Hands on Training3.6 MB28 十二月 2010
Delta Sheet
Audo Future/Audo NG - Delta Specification715 KB20 十二月 201001_00
Material Content SheetInfo
MCDS_2014-10-31_17-38-18_MA001248218_P-BGA-416-27.pdfEN21 KB31 十月 201401_00
MCDS_2015-10-27_02-34-44_MA001426604_P-BGA-416-27.pdfEN25 KB27 十月 201501_00
MCDS_2015-07-27_14-17-25_MA001382330_PG-BGA-416-27.pdfEN28 KB27 七月 201501_00
MCDS_2015-10-26_08-08-03_MA001426600_PG-BGA-416-27.pdfEN28 KB26 十月 201501_00
Evaluation Boards
KIT_TC1797_SKMicrocontrollerFor evaluation kit for the TC1197/TC1797 including Getting Started, technical documentation, evaluation versions for compiler and debugger, USB cable, power supply and extension board.TC1197TC1797active and preferred
Simulation Models
IBIS Model of sak-tc1797-512f180e (Preliminary Data!)1.5 MB12 十二月 200701_00
Package Data
PG-BGA-416-27 | TC1797512F180EFACKXUMA1EN6.2 MB11 四月 201601_00
P-BGA-416-10 | TC1797512F180EFACKDUMA1EN413 KB11 四月 201601_00
Tool Brief
AUDO MAX/AUDO FUTURE/AUDO-NextGeneration Family Tool Brief404 KB01 四月 2010
TC1797 Data Sheet SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
DAP Connector SAK-TC1762-128F80HL+AC
How to clear interrupts by SW? SAK-TC1766-192F80HL+BD
Scalable PadsElectrical Specification of Scalable Output Drivers in 130nm CMOS Technology SAK-TC1766-192F80HL+BD
Design Guideline for TC1797 Microcontroller Board Layout SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
ADC measurement and specification SAK-TC1762-128F80HL+AC
TriCore AUDO-F Flash Download Using Bootstrap Loader - software SAK-TC1736-128F80HL+AA
TriCore AUDO-F Flash Download Using Bootstrap Loader - description SAK-TC1736-128F80HL+AA
TriCore Electromagnetic Emission Summary SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
Concurrent multi-threaded execution - software tricore-tm-architecture-and-core
Concurrent multi-threaded execution - description tricore-tm-architecture-and-core
TC1782 Electric motor control - software tricore-tm-architecture-and-core
CRC computation using PCP - software SAK-TC1766-192F80HL+BD
CRC computation using PCP - description SAK-TC1766-192F80HL+BD
Migration guide for TriCore™ based Microcontrollers SAK-TC1766-192F80HL+BD
AUDO MAX/AUDO FUTURE/AUDO-NextGeneration Family Tool Brief SAK-TC1762-128F80HL+AC
Audo Future/Audo NG - Delta Specification SAK-TC1762-128F80HL+AC
AUDO FUTURE Product Presentation SAK-TC1736-128F80HL+AA
hanser automotive: FlexRay Controller - integrated or descrete?.pdf SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
EN SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
EN SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
EN SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
EN SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
EN SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
EN SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
TC1797 Hands on Training SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
TC1797 to TC1798 Programme Differences SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
IBIS Model of sak-tc1797-512f180e (Preliminary Data!) SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
TC1797 Errata Sheet EES-AC, ES-AC, AC SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC
TC1797 Product Brief SAK-TC1797-512F180EF+AC