The TLE42694-2 is a monolithic integrated low dropout voltage regulator,especially designed for automotive applications. An input voltage up to 45 V (with reverse polarity protection) is regulated to an output voltage of 5.0 V. The component is able to drive loads up to 150 mA. Internal over-current and over-temperatuer features prevent damage of the part in over-load conditions. A reset signal is generated for an output voltage V Q,rt of typically 4.65 V. This threshold can be decreased by an external resistor divider. The power-on reset delay time can be programmed by the external delay capacitor. The reset output is internally connected to the output Q via a pull-up resistor.
Parametric | TLE42694-2EL |
Operating Voltage
max | 5.5V
45.0V |
Output Voltage Type | 5.0V |
Accuracy | 2.0% |
Output Current
(max.) | 150mA |
Regulator Type | Linear |
Dropout Voltage | 200mV |
Quiescent Current | 210µA |
Operating Temperature
max | -40.0°C
150.0°C |
Over Voltage Protection | no |
Enable (=Inhibit) | no |
Reset | yes |
Power Fail | no |
Power Good | no |
Status Output | no |
Hold | no |
Watchdog | no |
Early Warning | no |
Sales Product Name | TLE42694-2EL |
OPN | TLE426942ELXUMA1 |
Product Status | active and preferred |
Package Name | PG-SSOP-14 |
Completely lead free | yes |
Halogen free | yes |
RoHS compliant | yes |
Packing Size | 2500 |
Packing Type | TAPE & REEL |
Moisture Level | 3 |
| Summary of Features:- Output Voltage 5 V ± 2%
- Ouput Current up to 150 mA
- Very Low Current Consumption
- Power-on and Undervoltage Reset with Programmable Delay Time
- Reset Low Down to V Q = 1 V
- Adjustable Reset Threshold
- Very Low Dropout Voltage
- Output Current Limitation
- Reverse Polarity Protection
- Overtemperature Protection
- Suitable for Use in Automotive Electronics
- Wide Temperature Range -40 °C ≤ T j ≤ 150 °C
- Input Voltage Range from -42 V to 45 V
- Integrated Pull-Up Resistors at Logic Outputs
- Green Product (RoHS compliant)
- AEC Qualified
Benefits:- Robust regulation with EMC optimization
- Very low dropout
Target Applications:- General automotive voltage regulator
- Automotive steering
功能框图 |
Data Sheet
Product Brochure
Application Notes
Product Selection Guide
Material Content SheetInfo
PCB Design Data
Evaluation Boards
Board | Family | Description | Status |
TLS810C1EJV33 BOARD | Linear Voltage Regulator | The TLS810C1EJV33 is a linear voltage regulator of wide input voltage range, low drop out voltage and ultra low quiescent current. With an input voltage range of 2.75V to 42V and ultra low quiescent of only 8.5μA the regulators are perfectly suitable for automotive or any other supply systems connected permanently to the battery. The TLS810C1EJV33 is available in 3.3V output voltage version with an accuracy of 2 % and output current capability up to 100mA. It is stable with only a small ceramic capacitor of 1μF at the output. With extended operating range down to 2.75V, TLS810C1EJV33 is also suitable to supply automotive systems operating during cranking condition. TLS810C1EJV33 includes internal protection features like output current limitation and over-temperature shutdown. The output voltage is supervised by the Reset feature, including under-voltage reset and delayed reset release at power-on.Channel=ff80808112ab681d0112ab69bfb202efTLS810C1EJV33 | on request |
TLS810D1EJV50 BOARD | Linear Voltage Regulator | The TLS810D1EJV50 is a linear voltage regulator featuring wide input voltage range, low drop out voltage and ultra low quiescent current. With an input voltage range of 2.75V to 42V and ultra low quiescent of only 9μA the regulators are perfectly suitable for automotive or any other supply systems connected permanently to the battery. The TLS810D1EJV50 is available in 5.0V output voltage version with an accuracy of 2 % and output current capability up to 100mA. It is stable with only a small ceramic capacitor of 1μF at the output. The device can be switched on and off by the Enable feature leading to a current consumption of less than 1μA. With extended operating range down to 2.75V, TLS810D1EJV50 is also suitable to supply automotive systems operating during cranking condition. TLS810D1EJV50 includes internal protection features like output current limitation and over-temperature shutdown. The output voltage is supervised by the Reset feature, including under-voltage reset and delayed reset release at power-on.TLS810D1EJV50 | on request |
Package Data
PCB Design Data