XC2200家族 (车身)

        Product Family Overview
        XC2000_feature overview155 KB24 二月 201001_00
        Product Brochure
        XC2000 Family Brochure4.3 MB12 四月 2012
        Product Brief
        XC2200 Family Product Brief144 KB24 七月 2007
        XC2287M Product Brief133 KB24 九月 2008
        XC2267M Product Brief132 KB24 九月 2008
        XC2264 Product Brief102 KB24 七月 2007
        XC2267 Product Brief103 KB24 七月 2007
        XC2285 Product Brief130 KB24 七月 2007
        XC2286 Product Brief131 KB24 七月 2007
        XC2287 Product Brief132 KB24 七月 2007
        XC22xxH Product Brief198 KB27 十一月 2009
        User Manual
        XC2200M User´s Manual10.2 MB01 三月 200902_00
        XC2200 User's Manual, Volume 1 (of 2): System Units6.4 MB01 八月 200802_01
        XC2200 User's Manual, Volume 2 (of 2): Peripheral Units6.6 MB01 八月 200802_01
        XC2000/XE166 Programmers Guide2.1 MB15 九月 201002_01
        C166S V2 Core User's Manual5.3 MB02 一月 201201_07
        XC2200N User's Manual10.2 MB01 七月 200901_02
        xc2200L - User's Manual8.6 MB17 五月 201101_01
        XC2200U - User's Manual8.1 MB18 五月 201101_01
        Application Notes
        AP24026 - EMC and System-ESD Design Guidelines for Board LayoutEN2.9 MB15 三月 201603_05
        Design Guideline for XC2000 and XE16x Microcontroller Board Layout823 KB24 五月 201301_02
        BMI Programming for XC2000 / XE166 Econo and Compact - description1.3 MB30 五月 201101_00
        BMI Programming for XC2000 / XE166 Econo and Compact - Software2.9 MB30 五月 201101_00
        EEPROM Emulation Driver for XC2000 / XE166 - description1.2 MB09 七月 201201_03
        EEPROM Emulation Driver for XC2000 / XE166 - software1.9 MB09 七月 201201_03
        Using an I2C Temperature Sensor with the XC22xx microcontroller1.4 MB16 六月 201001_00
        XC2000 Flashprogramming via CAN BSL - description1.5 MB15 十月 200901_00
        XC2000 Flashprogramming via CAN BSL - software1.6 MB15 十月 200901_00
        Power Management with SCU Driver - description702 KB13 八月 201301_01
        Power Management with SCU Driver - software2 MB29 三月 201201_01
        XE166/XC2000 Pin Configuration, Power Supply and Reset1.3 MB08 六月 201101_01
        XC2000 Family: Clock Generation and Power Management, SCU Driver Introduction - description1.3 MB16 九月 200901_00
        XC2000 Family: Clock Generation and Power Management - software2 MB29 三月 201201_01
        ADC Result Handling on XC2000/XE166 family of Microcontrollers - description770 KB13 十一月 200801_00
        ADC Result Handling on XC2000/XE166 family of Microcontrollers - software1.6 MB13 十一月 200801_00
        Interfacing XC22xx-SPI to TLE6209R - description955 KB29 八月 200801_01
        Interfacing XC22xx-SPI to TLE6209R - software974 KB29 八月 200801_01
        Enhanced Interrupt Handling of the XC2000 / XE166 Family806 KB28 八月 200801_00
        XC2000\XE166 Pin Configuration, Power Supply and Reset770 KB02 一月 201201_03
        DSP Examples for C166Sv2 Lib-software737 KB01 三月 200801_00
        DSP Examples for C166Sv2 Lib-description495 KB01 三月 200801_00
        XC2000/XE166 USIC Getting Started (IIC)453 KB19 二月 200801_00
        DSP Optimization Guide for XC2000/XC166/XE166 Microcontroller Families with MAC Unit965 KB03 一月 201201_01
        Interrupt Response Time of the XC2000/XE166 Family1.3 MB02 一月 201201_02
        Scalable Pads for the XC2000/XE166 Microcontroller Family4.1 MB06 九月 200701_01
        Implementation of FIR and IIR Filter Based on the XC2000/XE166 Microcontroller Family439 KB06 十一月 200701_01
        Fast Fourier Transform Based on XC2000/XE166 Microcontroller Family489 KB06 十一月 200701_01
        MultiCAN CAN-Gateway Functionality witout CPU interaction265 KB01 十月 200701_00
        SSC Programmer for XC2000 Microcontrollers - description4 MB08 十月 200701_00
        SSC Programmer for XC2000 Microcontrollers - software3.5 MB08 十月 200701_00
        XE166/XC2000 - USIC Getting Started1.5 MB01 十一月 200702_00
        Understanding the XC2000/XE166 ADC -description702 KB16 九月 200801_00
        Understanding the XC2000/XE166 ADC - software1.4 MB16 九月 200801_00
        Basic On System Test Code Controlled Via Hyper Terminal/MTTTY - description461 KB21 十一月 200801_00
        Basic On System Test Code Controlled Via Hyper Terminal/MTTTY - software801 KB21 十一月 200801_00
        XC2000/XE166, FIFO Configuration of MultiCAN using DAvE842 KB08 二月 200801_00
        SENT Decoder for XC2000 - description422 KB29 九月 200801_00
        SENT Decoder for XC2000 - software2.4 MB29 九月 200801_00
        XC2236N Drive Card Description1.4 MB30 七月 201001_00
        XC2000 Sensorless Fieldoriented Control2.1 MB16 九月 201001_00
        Errata Sheet
        XC2080ED, XC2090ED Errata Sheet2.9 MB03 四月 201401_06
        XC2000ED Presentation804 KB03 四月 201401_00
        XC2000 product brochure - 中文CN3.2 MB22 五月 201201_00
        Evaluation Boards
        KIT_DAP_MINIWIGGLER_USBMicrocontrollerThe miniWiggler is Infineon’s high performance and cost-efficient debugging tool for the future. On the host side, it has an USB interface, which is available on every computer. On the device side, the communication goes over Infineon 10-pin DAP or 16-pin OCDSL1 interfaces. The miniWiggler has been designed specifically to work in combination with Infineon’s Debug Access Software (DAS).All microcontrollers with DAP interfaceactive and preferred
        KIT_XC2289I_SKMicrocontrollerSAK-XC2289I-136F128Lon request
        KIT_XC2269I_SKMicrocontrollerSAK-XC2269I-136F128Lactive and preferred
        KIT_XC2234L_SKMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XC2234L including Getting Started, DAVE™, technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XC2234Lon request
        KIT_XC2267M_SKMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XC2237M/XC2267M/XC2287M including Getting Started, DAVE™, technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XC2237MXC2267MXC2287Mactive and preferred
        KIT_XC2238N_SKMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XC2238N/XC2268N including Getting Started, DAVE™, technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XC2238NXC2268Nactive and preferred
        KIT_XC2237M_SKMicrocontrollerXC2237M-104F80Lactive and preferred
        KIT_XC2298H_SKMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XC2288H/XC2298H including Getting Started, DAVE™, technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XC2288HXC2298Hactive and preferred
        KIT_XC2288H_SKMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XC2288H/XC2298H including Getting Started, DAVE™, technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XC2288HXC2298Hactive and preferred
        KIT_XC2224L_SKMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XC2224L including Getting Started, DAVE™, technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XC2224Lon request
        KIT_XC2220U_SKMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XC2210U/XC2220U including Getting Started, DAVE™, technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XC2210UXC2220Uon request
        KIT_XC2210U_SKMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XC2210U/XC2220U including Getting Started, DAVE™, technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XC2210UXC2220Uon request
        Simulation Models
        IBIS Model of SAK XC2287M 3.3V467 KB25 二月 2009
        IBIS Model of SAK XC2287M 5V943 KB25 二月 2009
        IBIS Model of sak-xc2264267 KB28 十月 200801_00
        IBIS Model of sak-xc2267267 KB28 十月 200801_00
        IBIS Model of sak-xc2285270 KB28 十月 200801_00
        IBIS Model of sak-xc2286270 KB28 十月 200801_00
        IBIS Model of sak-xc2287270 KB28 十月 200801_00
        Development Tools
        XC22xxM-Series DIP file for DAVE™ (Microcontroller Configuration Tool)-latest version4.5 MB01 四月 201002_01
        XC22xx-Series DIP file for DAVE™ (Microcontroller Configuration Tool)-latest version4.1 MB01 四月 201002_02
        XC2000\XE166 Pin Configuration, Power Supply and Reset xc2200-family-body
        SSC Programmer for XC2000 Microcontrollers - software xc2200-family-body
        SSC Programmer for XC2000 Microcontrollers - description xc2200-family-body
        Interrupt Response Time of the XC2000/XE166 Family xc2200-family-body
        DSP Optimization Guide for XC2000/XC166/XE166 Microcontroller Families with MAC Unit SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
        Fast Fourier Transform Based on XC2000/XE166 Microcontroller Family xc2200-family-body
        Scalable Pads for the XC2000/XE166 Microcontroller Family xc2200-family-body
        Implementation of FIR and IIR Filter Based on the XC2000/XE166 Microcontroller Family xc2200-family-body
        DSP Examples for C166Sv2 Lib-software xc2200-family-body
        DSP Examples for C166Sv2 Lib-description xc2200-family-body
        XE166/XC2000 - USIC Getting Started xc2200-family-body
        XC2000/XE166 USIC Getting Started (IIC) xc2200-family-body
        XC2000/XE166, FIFO Configuration of MultiCAN using DAvE xc2200-family-body
        Enhanced Interrupt Handling of the XC2000 / XE166 Family xc2200-family-body
        XE166/XC2000 Pin Configuration, Power Supply and Reset SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
        Interfacing XC22xx-SPI to TLE6209R - software xc2200-family-body
        Interfacing XC22xx-SPI to TLE6209R - description xc2200-family-body
        Understanding the XC2000/XE166 ADC - software xc2200-family-body
        Understanding the XC2000/XE166 ADC -description xc2200-family-body
        Basic On System Test Code Controlled Via Hyper Terminal/MTTTY - software xc2200-family-body
        Basic On System Test Code Controlled Via Hyper Terminal/MTTTY - description xc2200-family-body
        SENT Decoder for XC2000 - software xc2200-family-body
        SENT Decoder for XC2000 - description xc2200-family-body
        ADC Result Handling on XC2000/XE166 family of Microcontrollers - software xc2200-family-body
        ADC Result Handling on XC2000/XE166 family of Microcontrollers - description xc2200-family-body
        XC2000 Flashprogramming via CAN BSL - software xc2200-family-body
        XC2000 Flashprogramming via CAN BSL - description SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
        XC2000 Family: Clock Generation and Power Management, SCU Driver Introduction - description xc2200-family-body
        XC2000 Family: Clock Generation and Power Management - software xc2200-family-body
        Power Management with SCU Driver - software xc2200-family-body
        Power Management with SCU Driver - description SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
        XC2236N Drive Card Description xc2200-family-body
        XC2000 Sensorless Fieldoriented Control xc2200-family-body
        Using an I2C Temperature Sensor with the XC22xx microcontroller SAK-XC2287M-104F80L+AA
        EEPROM Emulation Driver for XC2000 / XE166 - software xc2200-family-body
        EEPROM Emulation Driver for XC2000 / XE166 - description SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
        Design Guideline for XC2000 and XE16x Microcontroller Board Layout SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
        BMI Programming for XC2000 / XE166 Econo and Compact - Software xc2200-family-body
        BMI Programming for XC2000 / XE166 Econo and Compact - description xc2200-family-body
        MultiCAN CAN-Gateway Functionality witout CPU interaction xc2200-family-body
        C166S V2 Core User's Manual SAF-XC167CI-32F40F+BB-A
        XC22xx-Series DIP file for DAVE™ (Microcontroller Configuration Tool)-latest version xc2200-family-body
        XC22xxM-Series DIP file for DAVE™ (Microcontroller Configuration Tool)-latest version xc2200-family-body
        IBIS Model of SAK XC2287M 3.3V xc2200-family-body
        IBIS Model of SAK XC2287M 5V xc2200-family-body
        IBIS Model of sak-xc2264 xc2200-family-body
        IBIS Model of sak-xc2267 xc2200-family-body
        IBIS Model of sak-xc2285 xc2200-family-body
        IBIS Model of sak-xc2286 xc2200-family-body
        IBIS Model of sak-xc2287 xc2200-family-body
        XC2000ED Presentation SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
        XC2000 Family Brochure xc2200-family-body
        EN SAK-C505CA-2RM+CA
        CN xc2200-family-body
        XC2000_feature overview xc2200-family-body
        XC2000/XE166 Programmers Guide SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
        XC2080ED, XC2090ED Errata Sheet SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
        XC2200 Family Product Brief xc2200-family-body
        XC2200 User's Manual, Volume 1 (of 2): System Units xc2200-family-body
        XC2200 User's Manual, Volume 2 (of 2): Peripheral Units xc2200-family-body
        XC22xxH Product Brief SAK-XC2298H-200F100L+AB
        xc2200L - User's Manual xc2200-family-body
        XC2200M User´s Manual xc2200-family-body
        XC2200N User's Manual xc2200-family-body
        XC2200U - User's Manual xc2200-family-body
        XC2264 Product Brief xc2200-family-body
        XC2267 Product Brief xc2200-family-body
        XC2267M Product Brief xc2200-family-body
        XC2285 Product Brief xc2200-family-body
        XC2286 Product Brief xc2200-family-body
        XC2287 Product Brief xc2200-family-body
        XC2287M Product Brief xc2200-family-body