
The MIC2213 is a dual µCap low dropout regulator with an open-drain driver and power-on reset circuit. The first regulator is capable of sourcing 150mA, while the second regulator can source up to 300mA. A power-on reset function monitors both outputs, indicating a fault on either output 1 or output 2. The open-drain output is capable of sinking 150mA for LED backlighting applications.

The MIC2213 adds the additional feature of sequencing between the outputs, with the output of regulator 1 having to settle before the output of regulator 2 can begin to turn-on.

Ideal for battery operated applications, the MIC2213 offers 1% accuracy, extremely low dropout voltage (80mV @ 100mA), and extremely low ground current, only 48µA total. Equipped with a TTL logic compatible enable pin, the MIC2213 can be put into a zero off-mode current state, drawing no current when disabled.

The MIC2213 is a µCap design, operating with very small ceramic output capacitors for stability, reducing required board space and component cost.

The MIC2213 is available in fixed output voltages in the 10-pin 3mm x 3mm MLF® leadless package and is also available with adjustable output voltages in the 4mm x 4mm 16-pin MLF® package.

  • 2 LDO outputs Output 1: 150mA output current Output 2: 300mA output current
  • Output 1: 150mA output current
  • Output 2: 300mA output current
  • 1 Open-drain driver
  • Power-on reset function with adjustable delay time
  • Sequencing between outputs 1 and 2
  • Input voltage range: 2.25V to 5.5V
  • Stable with ceramic output capacitor
  • Low dropout voltage of 80mV @ 100mA
  • Ultra-low quiescent current of 48µA
  • High output accuracy: ±1.0% initial accuracy ±2.0% over temperature
  • ±1.0% initial accuracy
  • ±2.0% over temperature
  • Thermal shutdown protection
  • Current limit protection
  • Tiny 3mm x 3mm MLF®-10 package
Parameter Name Value Value
Product Type Dual LDOs Dual LDOs
# of Out 2 2
IOUT #1 150 150
IOUT #2 300 300
VIN Min (V) 2.25 2.25
VIN Max (V) 5.5 5.5
VOUT (V) 1.8/2.85, 2.5/3.3, Adj/Adj 1.8/2.85, 2.5/3.3, Adj/Adj
Tol Typ % ±1 ±1
Noise (µV) rms 30 30
PSRR 1 kHz (dB) 60 60
Soft Start Pin
Load Dump
Rev Bat
Reverse Current Protect
MIC2213 - Sequenced Portable Power Management ICData Sheets11/05/2015996KB
Part NumberLeadsPackage TypeTemp RangePacking1+26+100+1000+5000+
MIC2213-GNYML-TR10VDFN-40C to +125CT/R**********
MIC2213 - Sequenced Portable Power Management IC MIC2213