The PDSDK COM kit provides a means for extending the functions of the M3T-PDxx and M3T-PDxxSIM debuggers. This kit may be used to create customized windows for the M3T-PDxx and M3T-PDxxSIM debuggers, and can be linked with other applications. The M3T-PDxx and M3T-PDxxSIM debuggers that support the PDSDK COM kit have a special interface, known as COM*, which can be invoked from an external application. The M3T-PDxx and M3T-PDxxSIM functions are called through this interface.

* COM stands for Component Object Model, which is a standard proposed by Microsoft Corporation to link the OS or applications.

Compatibility Information for Renesas Development Software Products and Windows Vista (R) (1) Feb.01.07 Rev.1.00 196
Information on Compatibility of Renesas's Software Development Tool Products and Windows Vista (R), No. 2 May.16.07 Rev.1.00 214
Information on Compatibility of Renesas's Software Development Tool Products and Windows Vista (R), No. 3 Nov.01.07 Rev.1.00 196
Information on Compatibility of Renesas's Software Development Tool Products and Windows Vista (R), No. 4 Jul.01.08 Rev.1.00 201
Information about the Compatibility of Renesas Software Tools with Microsoft Windows(R) 7 Nov.20.09 Rev.1.00 203
Information about the Compatibility of Renesas Software Tools with Microsoft Windows(R) 7 Jan.16.10 Rev.1.00 201
Information about the Compatibility of Renesas Software Tools with Microsoft Windows(R) 7--Report 2 Mar.16.10 Rev.1.00 196
Supports for Release of Renesas Electronics-Made Software Tool Products Compatible with Microsoft Windows 2000 Being Discontinued Oct.01.10 Rev.1.00 203
Notification on Microsoft Windows(R) operating environments for software tools from Renesas Electronics Corporation Apr.16.14 Rev.1.00 204
Notification Regarding Microsoft Windows® Operating Environments for Software Tools from Renesas Electronics Corporation Dec.01.15 Rev.1.00 248
Emulator/Simulator Debugger Customizing Kit PDSDK COM Kit V.1.10 Utility Nov.10.05