QEs: Tools for Particular Applications

Renesas solutions for minimizing man-hours in developing various applications

We are currently developing a range of Quick and Effective Tool Solutions (QEs) as development tools for particular applications. The intention is greater efficiency than existing tools for our development environments. Have you ever wondered "What's the matter with this thing? I understand the development environment, and have pulled the application together, but it still doesn't go!"? We are adding development features for various particular applications to the existing debugging features of our integrated development environments. As they appear, try our new development tools if you are having problems in developing embedded applications.

Support for the CS+ integrated development environment has been added.

[technical preview version] QE for Video Display Controller 5 V1.0 Nov.21.16
[technical preview version]QE for TCP/IP V1.0.0 Oct.05.16
[technical preview version]QE for USB V1.2.1 Jan.20.17
Bluetooth® Low Energy Protocol Stack RenesasBLE(For Android) Application Feb.10.17
Bluetooth® Low Energy Protocol Stack RenesasBLE(For iOS) Application Feb.10.17
Bluetooth® Low Energy Protocol Stack RL78/G1D applications to communicate with RenesasBLE Feb.03.17
QE for Video Display Controller 5 Sample Program Oct.17.16
QE for BLE: A Dedicated Tool for Bluetooth® low energy. Usage Guide Jan.20.17
Bluetooth® Low Energy Protocol Stack RenesasBLE(For Android) Application Feb.10.17 Rev.1.02 726
Bluetooth® Low Energy Protocol Stack RenesasBLE(For iOS) Application Feb.10.17 Rev.1.02 905
Bluetooth® Low Energy Protocol Stack RL78/G1D applications to communicate with RenesasBLE Feb.03.17 Rev.2.00 1193
QE for BLE: A Dedicated Tool for Bluetooth® low energy. Usage Guide Jan.20.17 Rev.1.00 1268
[Released on the Web] Solution Tool Kit QEs: Dedicated Tools for Particular Applications QE for Video Display Controller 5: A Dedicated Tool for Developing Display Applications Technical Preview V1.0.0 Nov.16.16 Rev.1.00 139
[Notification] RL78/G1D Solutions and Development Tools for Embedded Devices Incorporating Near-Field Wireless Communications Nov.16.16 Rev.1.00 156
[Upgrade to revision] Solution Tool Kit QE for USB: Debugging Assistance Tool for USB Technical Preview Edition V1.2.1 Jan.16.17 Rev.1.00 162
QE for Video Display Controller 5 V1.0.0 [technical preview version] Nov.21.16 Rev.1.00 80
e2 studio V5.3.0 release note Jan.19.17 Rev.1.01 792
QE for USB V1.2.1 [Technical Preview Edition] Release Note Jan.20.17 Rev.1.00 223
e² studio 5.3.0 installer (Offline installer) Jan.20.17
e² studio 5.3 installer (Web installer) Jan.20.17