FP-SNS-6LPNODE1:STM32 ODE Function Pack for IoT sensor node connection to 6LoWPAN networks through sub-1GHz RF communication

FP-SNS-6LPNODE1 is an STM32 ODE function pack. Thanks to this package, you can connect your IoT node to a 6LoWPAN wireless sensor network and expose the sensor and actuator resources using standard application layer protocols. This package helps you jumpstart IoT development and save time when integrating the various underlying functions.

This software package provides a sample application allowing RESTful access to the sensors and actuators on the IoT node through the OMA Lightweight M2M (LWM2M) standard, using the IPSO Smart Object Guidelines for data representation.

The software runs on the STM32 microcontroller and includes drivers for the SPIRIT1 based sub-1GHz RF communication modules (SPSGRF-868 or SPSGRF-915), as well as the motion, environmental, and time-of-flight sensors.

Key Features

  • Complete firmware to connect an IoT node with sensors and actuators to a 6LoWPAN network, using sub-1GHz RF communication technology
  • Middleware library with Contiki OS and Contiki 6LoWPAN protocol stack 3.0
  • Support for mesh networking technology through the standard RPL protocol
  • IPSO Smart Object data representation of the node resources (sensors and actuators)
  • Access to the node from a remote server with the OMA Lightweight M2M (LWM2M) standard
  • Sample implementation available for X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4 or X-NUCLEO-IDS01A5 RF boards, X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 or X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2, and X-NUCLEO-6180X1 sensor boards, when connected to a NUCLEO-F401RE board
  • Easy portability across different MCU families, thanks to STM32Cube
  • Free, user-friendly license terms
DB3010: STM32 ODE function pack for IoT sensor node connection to 6LoWPAN networks through sub-1GHz RF communication1.0239 KB
UM2100: Getting started with FP-SNS-6LPNODE1 software for IoT sensor node connection to 6LoWPAN networks using sub-1GHz RF1.01 MB
FP-SNS-6LPNODE1 Quick start guide1.02 MB
STM32 Open Development Environment
P-NUCLEO-6180X1STVL6180X Nucleo pack - NEW - Includes VL6180X Expansion board and STM32F401RE Nucleo
X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4STSub-1 GHz RF expansion board based on the SPSGRF-868 module for STM32 Nucleo
X-NUCLEO-IDS01A5STSub-1 GHz RF expansion board based on the SPSGRF-915 module for STM32 Nucleo
X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1STMotion MEMS and environmental sensor expansion board for STM32 Nucleo
X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2STMotion MEMS and environmental sensor expansion board for STM32 Nucleo
Product Evaluation Tools
NUCLEO-F401RESTSTM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32F401RE MCU, supports Arduino and ST morpho connectivity
型号Software VersionSupplier
STM32 ODE function pack for IoT sensor node connection to 6LoWPAN networks through sub-1GHz RF communication FP-SNS-6LPNODE1
Getting started with FP-SNS-6LPNODE1 software for IoT sensor node connection to 6LoWPAN networks using sub-1GHz RF FP-SNS-6LPNODE1
Getting started with FP-SNS-6LPNODE1 software for IoT sensor node connection to 6LoWPAN networks using sub-1GHz RF FP-SNS-6LPNODE1