DS92LV042x 10-MHz to-75 MHz Channel Link II Serializer and Deserializer With LVDS Parallel Interface DS92LV0421
App Note 1909 DS15BA101 & DS15EA101 Enable Long Reach Apps for Embed Clk SERDES DS92LV1212A
DS15BA101 & DS15EA101 Enable Long Reach Applications for Embedded Clock SER/DES DS92LV1212A
LV04EVK01 Channel Link to Channel Link II Converter Evaluation Kit DS92LV0422
模拟信号链路产品指南 (Rev. B) BQ24392
Channel Link SerDes DS92LX2121
Channel Link II Design Guide DS92LV3242
DS92LV0421 IBIS Model DS92LV0421