MSP430FR597x(1)、MSP430FR592x(1)、MSP430FR587x(1) 混合信号微控制器 (Rev. A) MSP430FR59721
MSP430FR5872 Device Erratasheet MSP430FR5872
Migrating From MSP430F4xx Family to MSP430FR58xx/FR59xx/FR68xx/FR69xx Family MSP430FR6988
Migrating from the MSP430F2xx,G2xx Family to the MSP430FR58xx/FR59xx/68xx/69xx MSP430FR6988
Migrating from the MSP430F5xx,F6xx Family to the MSP430FR58xx/FR59xx/68xx Family MSP430FR6988
General Oversampling of MSP ADCs for Higher Resolution MSP430FR2633
Designing With the MSP430FR58xx, FR59xx, FR68xx, and FR69xx ADC MSP430FR6988
ESD Diode Current Specification CC430F6147
MSP Code Protection Features CC430F6147
Designing With MSP430 and Segment LCDs CC430F6147
Getting Started With EEMBC ULPBench on MSP-EXP430FR5969 ENERGYTRACE
MSP430 FRAM Technology – How To and Best Practices MSP430FR2633
MSP430 Advanced Power Optimizations: ULP Advisor SW and EnergyTrace Technology ULPADVISOR
MSP430 FRAM Quality and Reliability MSP430FR2633
MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, MSP430FR68xx, and MSP430FR69xx Family User's Guide TIDM-KNXTHERMOSTAT
EEPROM Emulation and Sensing with MSP FRAM Microcontrollers Design Guide MSP430FR2633
使用超低功耗 MSP430FR4x 微控制器简化 LCD 设计并降低功耗 BOOST-IR
Capacitive Touch and MSP Microcontrollers MSP430FR2633
If you don’t plan to scale, you plan to fail MSP430FR2633
System advantages of mixed signal integration MSP430FR69721
Benchmarking des Mikrocontroller-Stromverbrauchs für Anwendungen mit extrem ger MSP430FR6988
Benchmarking MCU power consumption for ultra-low-power applications MSP430FR2633
TI's ultra-low-power MSP430FRx FRAM microcontroller portfolio MSP430FR2633
MSP430FR592x, MSP430FR5x7x, MSP430FR6x2x, MSP430FR6x7x Code Examples MSP430FR69721