Documentation Errata for ADSP-2191M: DSP Microcomputer Data Sheet

Chapter: N/A / Page 6

Doc ID: DOC-484


Figure 2 correctly describes boot memory space with an address range from 0x01 0000 to 0xFe FFFF (16 MWords - 254 pages). The first sentence of the Boot Memory Space section on page 6 (describing boot memory space) doesn't agree with Figure 2. The sentence on page 6 should:

Change from:

Boot memory space consists of one off-chip bank with 63 pages.

Change to:

Boot memory space consists of one off-chip bank of memory as shown in Figure 2. Because the ADSP-2191 has 22 external address lines, the DSP can address the first 63 pages of this space (spanning an address range from 0x01 0000 to 0x40 7FFF). Any access to the full boot memory space (0x01 0000 to 0xFE FFFF, 16M words, 254 pages) asserts the boot memory select (BMS) pin.

Chapter: N/A / Page 8

Doc ID: DOC-455


In the DSP Serial Ports (SPORTs) section, the bullet on clocking gives incorrect minimum and maximum frequencies for the serial clock. This bullet should change to:

"Clocking—each transmit and receive port can either use an external serial clock (75 MHz) or generate its own, in frequencies ranging from 1144 Hz to 75 MHz."

Chapter: N/A / Page 8

Doc ID: DOC-483


In the "Host Port Chip Selects" section (second paragraph, third line), the text incorrectly refers to the IJPG register when it should refer to the IOPG register.

Change the sentence from:

"Before starting a direct access, the Host configures Host port interface registers, specifying the width of external data bus (8- or 16-bit) and the target address page (in the IJPG register)."

Change the sentence to:

"Before starting a direct access, the Host configures Host port interface registers, specifying the width of external data bus (8- or 16-bit) and the target address page (in the IOPG register)."

Chapter: N/A / Page 16

Doc ID: DOC-479


In Table 7, the HACK pin is listed as an output (O), but should be listed as an input/output (I/O). At runtime, HACK is an output only. During reset (and for 10 peripheral cycles after deassertion of reset), HACK is an input. The signal driven on HACK determines the function of the HACK signal (Ready mode or ACK mode).

Chapter: N/A / Page 20

Doc ID: DOC-487


In Figure 8, Change parameter tCDD to tCKH to match data in Table 9.

Chapter: N/A / Page 22

Doc ID: DOC-488


In Table 12 (External Port Write Cycle Timing), there are two lines for the tDHW parameter. Only the second line (tDHW = tHCLK + 3.4 ns) should refer to footnote 4.

The first tDHW line (tDHW = 3.4 ns) should NOT refer to footnote 4.

Chapter: N/A / Page 24

Doc ID: DOC-482


In Figure 13 (External Port Bus Request and Grant Cycle Timing), the BR strobe is shown incorrectly. The BR strobe should extend for the duration of the access, and BG should only go high after BR is deasserted by the external device.

Chapter: N/A / Page 27

Doc ID: DOC-486


In Table 16 (Host Port ACC Mode Write Cycle Timing), the tWAL parameter is incorrectly described.

Change parameter description from:
"tWAL HWR Asserted to HALE Deasserted (Delay)"

Change parameter description to:
"tWAL HWR Deasserted to HALE Deasserted (Delay)"

Chapter: N/A / Page 47

Doc ID: DOC-584


In the outline dimensions figure, the remove following (or similarly worded) note:


Last Update Date: Apr 16 2004