AD8032 2.7 V, 800 µA, 80 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O Dual Amplifier

The AD8032 has true single supply capability with rail-to-rail input and output characteristics and is specified for +2.7 V, +5 V, and ±5 V supplies. The input voltage range can extend to 500 mV beyond each rail. The output voltage swings to within 20 mV of each rail providing the maximum output dynamic range. The AD8032 also offers excellent signal quality for only 800 µA of supply current per amplifier; THD is -62 dBc with a 2 V p-p, 1 MHz output signal, and -86 dBc for a 100 kHz, 4.6 V p-p signal on +5 V supply. The low distortion and fast settling time makes it ideal as a buffer to single supply ADCs. Operating on supplies from +2.7 V to +12 V and dual supplies up to ±6 V, the AD8032 is ideal for a wide range of applications, from battery operated systems with large bandwidth requirements to high speed systems where component density requires lower power dissipation. The AD8032 is available in 8-lead PDIP, 8-lead SOIC_N, and 8-lead MSOP packages and operates over the industrial temperature range of -40°C to +85°C. AD8031 - Single Amplifier

The AD8032 (dual) is a single supply voltage feedback amplifier that features high speed performance with 80 MHz of small signal bandwidth, 30 V/µs slew rate and 125 ns settling time. This performance is possible while consuming less than 4.0 mW of power from a single +5 V supply. This feature increases the operation time of high speed, battery-powered systems without compromising dynamic performance.

The AD8032 has true single supply capability with rail-to-rail input and output characteristics and is specified for +2.7 V, +5 V, and ±5 V supplies. The input voltage range can extend to 500 mV beyond each rail. The output voltage swings to within 20 mV of each rail providing the maximum output dynamic range.

The AD8032 also offers excellent signal quality for only 800 µA of supply current per amplifier; THD is -62 dBc with a 2 V p-p, 1 MHz output signal, and -86 dBc for a 100 kHz, 4.6 V p-p signal on +5 V supply. The low distortion and fast settling time makes it ideal as a buffer to single supply ADCs.

Operating on supplies from +2.7 V to +12 V and dual supplies up to ±6 V, the AD8032 is ideal for a wide range of applications, from battery operated systems with large bandwidth requirements to high speed systems where component density requires lower power dissipation. The AD8032 is available in 8-lead PDIP, 8-lead SOIC_N, and 8-lead MSOP packages and operates over the industrial temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.

AD8031 - Single Amplifier

Features and Benefits
  • Low power
    Supply current 800 µA/amplifier
    Fully specified at +2.7 V, +5 V and ±5 V supplies
  • High speed and fast settling on 5 V
    80 MHz, –3 dB bandwidth (G = +1)
    30 V/µs slew rate
    125 ns settling time to 0.1%
  • Low distortion
    –62 dB @ 1 MHz, VO = 2 V p-p
    –86 dB @ 100 kHz, VO = 4.6 V p-p
  • Rail-to-rail input and output
    No phase reversal with input
    0.5 V beyond supplies
    Input CMVR extends beyond rails by 200 mV
    Output swing to within 20 mV of either rail
  • Output current: 15 mA
  • High grade option
    VOS (maximum) = 1.5 mV
  • Amplifiers
    SPICE Models
    Reference Designs
    Data Sheets
    AD8031/AD8032: 2.7V, 800 μA, 80 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O Amplifiers Data Sheet (Rev. G)PDF 423 kB
    Application Notes
    AN-357: Operational IntegratorsPDF 272 kB
    AN-402: Replacing Output Clamping Op Amps with Input Clamping AmpsPDF 55 kB
    AN-581: Biasing and Decoupling Op Amps in Single Supply Applications (Rev. 0)PDF 166 kB
    AN-356: User's Guide to Applying and Measuring Operational Amplifier SpecificationsPDF 538 kB
    AN-417: Fast Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifiers Ease Design Constraints in Low Voltage High Speed SystemsPDF 228 kB
    AN-649: Using the Analog Devices Active Filter Design Tool (Rev. 0)PDF 5.3 M
    User Guides
    UG-886: Universal Evaluation Board for Dual High Speed Op Amps Offered in 8-Lead MSOPPDF 155.96 K
    UG-128: Universal Evaluation Board for Dual High Speed Op Amps in SOIC PackagesPDF 208 kB
    Order Information
    Part NumberPackagePacking QtyTemp RangePrice 100-499Price 1000+RoHS
    AD8032ACHIPS ProductionCHIPS OR DIEREEL 21025C08.84Y
    AD8032ANZ Production8 ld PDIPOTH 50-40 to 85C2.552.17Y
    AD8032AR Production8 ld SOICOTH 98-40 to 85C2.892.47N
    AD8032ARM Production8 ld MSOPOTH 50-40 to 85C2.892.47N
    AD8032ARM-REEL7 Production8 ld MSOPREEL 1000-40 to 85C02.47N
    AD8032ARMZ Production8 ld MSOPOTH 50-40 to 85C2.321.97Y
    AD8032ARMZ-REEL Production8 ld MSOPREEL 3000-40 to 85C01.97Y
    AD8032ARMZ-REEL7 Production8 ld MSOPREEL 1000-40 to 85C01.97Y
    AD8032ARZ Production8 ld SOICOTH 98-40 to 85C2.321.97Y
    AD8032ARZ-REEL Production8 ld SOICREEL 2500-40 to 85C01.97Y
    AD8032ARZ-REEL7 Production8 ld SOICREEL 1000-40 to 85C01.97Y
    AD8032BR Production8 ld SOICOTH 98-40 to 85C4.543.99N
    AD8032BRZ Production8 ld SOICOTH 98-40 to 85C3.633.19Y
    AD8032BRZ-REEL Production8 ld SOICREEL 2500-40 to 85C3.633.19Y
    AD8032BRZ-REEL7 Production8 ld SOICREEL 750-40 to 85C3.633.19Y
    Evaluation Boards
    Part NumberDescriptionPriceRoHS
    EVAL-HSAMP-2CPZ-10Evaluation Bare Board for 10-Lead LFCSP18.25Y
    EVAL-HSAMP-2CPZ-8Evaluation Bare Board for 8-Lead LFCSP18.25Y
    EVAL-HSAMP-2RMZ-10Evaluation Bare Board for 10-lead MSOP Package18.25Y
    EVAL-HSAMP-2RMZ-8Evaluation Bare Board for 8 Lead MSOP18.25Y
    EVAL-HSAMP-2RZ-8Evaluation Bare Board for 8 Lead SOIC18.25Y
    Reference Materials
    AD8031/AD8032: 2.7V, 800 μA, 80 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O Amplifiers Data Sheet (Rev. G) ad8031
    UG-886: Universal Evaluation Board for Dual High Speed Op Amps Offered in 8-Lead MSOP ad8072
    AD8032 SPICE Macro-Model ad8032
    SAR ADC & Driver Quick-Match Guide ad7476
    AN-356: User's Guide to Applying and Measuring Operational Amplifier Specifications ad8350
    AN-356: 用户指南:运算放大器规格参数的应用和测量 (Rev. 0) ad8350
    AN-357: Operational Integrators ad8350
    AN-402: Replacing Output Clamping Op Amps with Input Clamping Amps ad829
    AN-402: 以输入箝位放大器取代输出箝位运算放大器 (Rev. 0) ad829
    AN-417: Fast Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifiers Ease Design Constraints in Low Voltage High Speed Systems ad829
    AN-417: 在低压高速系统中利用快速轨到轨运算放大器减少设计限制 (Rev. 0) ad829
    AN-581: Biasing and Decoupling Op Amps in Single Supply Applications (Rev. 0) ad829
    AN-581: 单电源应用中的偏置和去耦运算放大器 (Rev. 0) ad829
    AN-649: Using the Analog Devices Active Filter Design Tool (Rev. 0) ad8350
    CN0201 设计和集成文件 adp1613
    CN0201:完整的5 V单电源8通道多路复用数据采集系统,集成用于工业级信号的PGIA adp1613
    CN-0255:16位、100 kSPS、单电源、低功耗数据采集系统 adr4525
    CN0277 设计和集成文件 adr4550
    CN0277:高精度、18位、5 MSPS、低功耗数据采集信号链 adr4550
    设计和集成文件 adr434
    集成低功耗输入驱动器和基准电压源的16位6 MSPS SAR ADC系统,针对多路复用应用优化 adr434
    High Speed Amplifiers Selection Table ad8138
    MT-032: Ideal Voltage Feedback (VFB) Op Amp ad829
    MT-032:理想的电压反馈型(VFB)运算放大器 ad829
    MT-033:电压反馈型运算放大器的增益和带宽 ad829
    MT-047:运算放大器噪声 ad829
    MT-048:运算放大器噪声关系:1/f噪声、均方根(RMS)噪声与等效噪声带宽 ad829
    MT-049:单极点系统的运算放大器总输出噪声计算 ad829
    MT-050: 二阶系统的运算放大器总输出噪声计算 ad9631
    MT-052:运算放大器噪声指数:不要被误导 ad829
    MT-053:运算放大器失真:HD、THD、THD + N、IMD、SFDR、MTPR ad829
    MT-056: 高速电压反馈运算放大器 ad829
    MT-058: 反馈电容对VFB和CFB运算放大器的影响 ad829
    MT-059: 补偿输入电容对电流电压转换器所用电压反馈和电流反馈型运算放大器的影响 ad9631
    MT-060: Choosing Between Voltage Feedback and Current Feedback Op Amps ad829
    UG-128: Universal Evaluation Board for Dual High Speed Op Amps in SOIC Packages ad8042
    UG-128:SOIC封装的双通道高速运算放大器通用评估板 ad8042