ADF5901 24 GHz VCO and PGA with 2-Channel PA Output

The ADF5901 is a 24 GHz Tx monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) with an on-chip, 24 GHz VCO with PGA and dual Tx channels for radar systems. The on-chip, 24 GHz VCO generates the 24 GHz signal for the two Tx channels and the LO output. Each Tx channel contains a power control circuit. There is also an on-chip temperature sensor.

Control of all the on-chip registers is through a simple 4-wire interface.

The ADF5901 comes in a compact 32-lead, 5 mm × 5 mm LFCSP package.

  • Automotive radars
  • Industrial radars
  • Microwave radar sensors
Features and Benefits
  • 24 GHz to 24.25 GHz voltage controlled oscillator (VCO)
  • 2-channel 24 GHz power amplifier (PA) with 8 dBm output
  • Single-ended outputs
  • 2-channel muxed outputs with mute function
  • Programmable output power
  • N divider output (frequency discriminator)
  • 24 GHz local oscillator (LO) output buffer
  • 250 MHz signal bandwidth
  • Power control detector
  • Auxiliary 8-bit ADC
  • ±5°C temperature sensor
  • See data sheet for additional features
  • RF & Microwave
    Software & Systems Requirements
    Data Sheets
    ADF5901: 24 GHz VCO and PGA with 2-Channel PA Output Data Sheet (Rev. A)PDF 407.28 K
    User Guides
    UG-866: Evaluation Board for the ADF5901, ADF5904, and ADF4159 Chipset for a 24 GHz FMCW Radar (Rev. 0)PDF 3.67 M
    UG-864: Evaluating the ADF5901 24 GHz Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) and Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) with a 2-Channel Power Amplifier (PA) OutputPDF 1 M
    Order Information
    Part NumberPackagePacking QtyTemp RangePrice 100-499Price 1000+RoHS
    ADF5901WCCPZ Production32 ld LFCSP (5x5x.75mm) w/3.6exposed padOTH 49040 to 105C26.6921.35Y
    ADF5901WCCPZ-RL7 Production32 ld LFCSP (5x5x.75mm) w/3.6exposed padREEL 150040 to 105C021.35Y
    Evaluation Boards
    Part NumberDescriptionPriceRoHS
    EV-ADF5901SD2ZEvaluation Board500Y
    EVAL-SDP-CS1ZSDP-S Controller Board - Interface to EV-ADF5901SD2Z (also required)49Y
    EV-RADAR-MMIC2Evaluation Board700Y
    Reference Materials