The ADM8690–ADM8695 family of supervisory circuits offers complete single chip solutions for power supply monitoring and battery control functions in microprocessor systems. These functions include mP reset, backup battery switchover, watchdog timer, CMOS RAM write protection and power failure warning. The complete family provides a variety of configurations to satisfy most microprocessor system requirements. Power-on reset output during power-up, power-down and brownout conditions. The RESET output remains operational with VCC as low as 1 V. Battery backup switching for CMOS RAM, CMOS microprocessor or other low power logic. A reset pulse if the optional watchdog timer has not been toggled within a specified time. A 1.3 V threshold detector for power fail warning, low battery detection or to monitor a power supply other than +5 V. Write protection of CMOS RAM or EEPROM. Adjustable reset and watchdog timeout periods. Separate watchdog timeout, backup battery switchover, and low VCC status outputs.
The ADM8690, ADM8692 and ADM8694 are available in 8-pin DIP packages and provide:
The ADM8691, ADM8693 and ADM8695 are available in 16-pin DIP and small outline packages (including TSSOP) and provide three additional functions:
Features and Benefits
| Power Management |
Document | note |
ADM8690/ADM8691/ADM8695: Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits Data Sheet (Rev. C) | PDF 357 kB |
Part Number | Package | Packing Qty | Temp Range | Price 100-499 | Price 1000+ | RoHS |
ADM8691ANZ Production | 16 ld PDIP | OTH 25 | -40 to 85C | 4.08 | 3.64 | Y |
ADM8691ARN Last Time Buy | 16 ld SOIC | OTH 48 | -40 to 85C | 0 | 0 | N |
ADM8691ARNZ Production | 16 ld SOIC | OTH 48 | -40 to 85C | 4.08 | 3.64 | Y |
ADM8691ARUZ Last Time Buy | 16 ld TSSOP | OTH 96 | -40 to 85C | 3.96 | 3.53 | Y |
ADM8691ARWZ Production | 16 ld SOIC - Wide | OTH 47 | -40 to 85C | 3.96 | 3.53 | Y |