HMC344A GaAs MMIC SP4T Non-Reflective Switch, DC - 8 GHz

The HMC344ALP3E is a broadband non-reflective GaAs MESFET SP4T switch in a low cost leadless surface mount packages. Covering DC to 8 GHz, this switch offers high isolation and low insertion loss and extends the frequency coverage of Hittite’s SP4T switch product line. This switch also includes an on board binary decoder circuit which reduces the required logic control lines to two. The switch operates using a negative control voltage of 0/−5V, and requires a fixed bias of −5V.


Features and Benefits
  • Broadband performance: DC - 8 GHz
  • High isolation: 36 dB@ 6 GHz
  • Low insertion loss: 1.7 dB@ 6 GHz
  • Integrated 2:4 TTL decoder
  • 16 lead 3x3mm QFN package: 9 mm²
  • Switches & Multiplexers
    Data Sheets
    HMC344ALP3E: GaAs MMIC SP4T Non-Reflective Switch, DC - 8 GHz Data SheetPDF 447.64 K
    Order Information
    Part NumberPackagePacking QtyTemp RangePrice 100-499Price 1000+RoHS
    HMC344ALP3E Production16 ld QFN (3x3mm w/1.7mm ep)OTH 50-40 to 85C17.2410.76Y
    HMC344ALP3ETR Production16 ld QFN (3x3mm w/1.7mm ep)REEL 500-40 to 85C17.2410.76Y
    Evaluation Boards
    Part NumberDescriptionPriceRoHS
    EV1HMC344ALP3Evaluation Board199Y
    HMC344ALP3E: GaAs MMIC SP4T Non-Reflective Switch, DC - 8 GHz Data Sheet hmc344a