HSMP-389C PIN switch diode

The HSMP-389C pin diodes have been optimized for switching applications where low resistance at low bias current, and low capacitance are required.

  • Ct=0.3pF
  • Rs@5mA=2.5ohms
  • Tau=200nsec
Samples AvailableNo
Bkdwn Vo In V35.0
Carrier Life In Nsec (ns)200
ConnectionSeries Pair
RoHS6 CompliantY
Max Cap In Pf0.3
Distrib. InventoryYes
Max Qty of Samples0
Peak Output Current Min UomMSL 1
Mounting DirectionTop
Mounting MethodSolder Reflow
Pin Count3.0
Product TypeLow Resistance Switch
Lifetime Ns200.0
Ct (pF)0.2
RS (ohm)2.5
VBR (V)100
Vbr V100.0
Ct Pf0.2
Series Res In Ohms2.5
ConfigurationSeries Pair
Application Brief (1)
Application Note (11)
Data Sheet (1)
Product Change Notice (PCN) (17)
Reliability Data Sheet (1)
Spice Model (1)