XMC4108-F64K64 BA

ParametricXMC4108-F64K64 BA
Budgetary Price €€/1k2.52
Clock Frequency  max80.0MHz
SRAM (incl. Cache)20.0kByte
CAN Nodes1
A/D Input Lines9
Program Memory64.0kByte
Type of MemoryFlash
Digital I/O Pins45
EEPROM Emulationyes
Timed I/O Pins (PWM, CAPCOM)16
Serial I/O Interfaces4
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesI²C
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesI²S
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesSPI
Type of Serial I/O InterfacesUART
Instruction Width ([bits])32/16
Instruction Set ArchitectureARM® Cortex™-M4 (32-bit)
Peripheral Control Processorno
DMA Channels8
External Bus Interfaceno
Temperature-40 to 125°C
Power Modeclock gating possible
DSP Functionalityyes
On-chip Clock Generationyes
I/O Operation Voltages3.3V
Touch/LED Matrix Controlno
On-chip Voltage Regulatoryes
Real Time Clockyes
Floating Point Unityes
Watchdog Timeryes
Oscillator Watchdogyes
Additional FeaturesUSB
Sales Product NameXMC4108-F64K64 BA
Product Statusactive and preferred
Package NamePG-TQFP-64
Completely lead freeyes
Halogen freeyes
RoHS compliantyes
Packing Size960
Packing TypeTRAY
Moisture Level3
Data Sheet
XMC4100 / XMC4200 Data Sheet,EN1.6 MB02 May 201601_03
Application Notes
Application Note Managing firmware integrity in XMCEN998 KB13 Jun 201601_00
AP32331 - XMC1000 - XMC4000 - Interrupt subsystemEN415 KB24 May 201601_00
Errata Sheet
XMC4100/XMC4200 Errata Sheet for Steps EES-AA, ES-AAEN1.9 MB13 Jul 201501_04
Peripheral - Event Request Unit (ERU)EN1.1 MB14 Jun 201601_01
Peripheral - Universal Serial Interface Channel (USIC)EN892 KB14 Jun 201601_01
Peripheral - Capture and Compare Unit 4 (CCU4)EN882 KB14 Jun 201601_01
Peripheral - Position Interface (POSIF)EN691 KB14 Jun 201601_01
Application - power conversion - peak current control in XMC4EN2.1 MB29 Apr 201601_00
Application - Power Conversion - XMC™ in Power Conversion ApplicationsEN1.5 MB14 Jun 201601_02
Application - Motor Control - XMC in Motor Control ApplicationsEN2.8 MB14 Jun 201601_00
XMC™ - Product introductionEN1.3 MB29 Apr 201601_00
Peripheral - LED and Touch-Sense (LEDTS)EN963 KB14 Jun 201601_01
Peripheral - Multi-Controller Area Network (MultiCAN)EN1.2 MB14 Jun 201601_00
XMC™ - Introduction to targeted application segmentsEN1.3 MB29 Apr 201601_00
Evaluation Boards
KIT_XMCI45_LARIX_PINU_1Quadrocopter demonstrator kit with 9-axis motion tracking, pressure sensor and authentication representation. Control via Bluetooth or radio transmitter.coming soon
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