AURIX™ – Safety joins Performance

AURIX™ Family - TC23xLA
AURIX™ Family - TC23xLX
AURIX™ Family – TC21xL
AURIX™ Family – TC22xL
AURIX™ Family – TC23xL
AURIX™ Family – TC26xD
AURIX™ Family – TC264DA
AURIX™ Family – TC27xT
AURIX™ Family – TC297TA
AURIX™ Family – TC29xT
AURIX™ Family – TC29xTX
AURIX Security Solutions
TriCore™ Development Tools, Software and Kits
    Service, Support and Training
      Safety Products PRO-SIL™

        AURIX™ is Infineon’s brand new family of microcontrollers serving exactly the needs of the automotive industry in terms of performance and safety. Its innovative multicore architecture, based on up to three independent 32-bit TriCore™ CPUs, has been designed to meet the highest safety standards while increasing the performance at the same time.

        Using the AURIX™ platform, automotive developers will be able to control powertrain, body, safety and ADAS applications with one single MCU platform. Developments using AURIX™ will require less effort to achieve the ASIL-D standard than with a classical Lockstep architecture. Customers are now able to cut down their MCU safety development by 30%. By the same token, a performance surplus of 50% up to 100% allows for more functionality and offers a sufficient resource buffer for future requirements, keeping the power consumption on the single-core microcontroller level.

        1) The LFBGA-516 package is a superset of the LFBGA-292. Combination PCBs can be designed for I/O and feature upgrades.

        PowertrainSafety – Active and PassiveBodyDriver Assistance Systems
        Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Management Systems (EMS)Restraint Systems, e.g. Airbag Body Domain Controller RADAR 77GHz Radar Systems Long/Mid Radar Short Range Laser Infrared
        Application Notes
        AP24026 - EMC and System-ESD Design Guidelines for Board LayoutEN2.9 MB15 Mar 201603_05
        AP3224421 AURIX™ SYSPLL Frequency ModulationEN2.6 MB30 Mar 201602_01
        Additional Technical Information
        Access to AURIX documentationEN60 KB02 Nov 201501_00
        Evaluation Boards
        KIT_AURIX_TC233LP_S_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC233L including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board.Evaluation BoardExtension BoardFree TriCore Entry Tool ChainPower SupplyTC233LUSB cableon request
        KIT_AURIX_TC233LP_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC233LF including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board.Evaluation BoardExtension BoardFree TriCore Entry Tool ChainPower Supply TC233LUSB cableon request
        KIT_AURIX_TC234_MOTORCTRMicrocontrollerWith the Application Kit TC2x4, TC2x5 or TC2x7 it allows to drive a 3 Phase brushless motor. Applications can be developed easily. The eMotor Drive Kit is equipped with a variety of interfaces for position detection and current measurement. Additionally a driver IC (TLE9180) and a complete B6 bridge driver allow spinning a motor up to 50Watt.AURIX™active and preferred
        KIT_AURIX_TC234_TFTMicrocontrollerLow-cost and flexible application development platform for the 32-bit AURIX™ multi-core TriCore™ family.SAK-TC234LP-32F200Fon request
        KIT_AURIX_TC234LP_S_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC234L including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board.Evaluation BoardExtension BoardFree TriCore Entry Tool ChainPower SupplyTC234LUSB cableon request
        KIT_AURIX_TC234LP_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC234LF including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board.Evaluation BoardExtension BoardFree TriCore Entry Tool Chain Power Supply TC234L USB cableon request
        KIT_AURIX_TC237_TFTMicrocontrollerSAK- TC237LP-32F200Factive and preferred
        KIT_ATV_24GHZ_RADARMicrocontrollerBGT24A transceiver MMIC family, e.g. BGTA24ATR12AURIX™ 32-bit radar microcontroller family, e.g. SAK-TC264DA- 40F200active and preferred
        KIT_AURIX_TC297_S_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC297T including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board.TC297Tcoming soon
        KIT_AURIX_TC297_TFTMicrocontrollerSAK- TC297TP-128F300Sactive and preferred
        KIT_AURIX_TC297_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC297T including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board. TC297Tcoming soon
        KIT_AURIX_TC299_S_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC299T including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board.TC299Tcoming soon
        KIT_AURIX_TC299_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC299T including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board. TC299Tcoming soon
        KIT_AURIX_TC299_E_SRAMMicrocontrollerSAK-TC299TX-128F300S BBSAK-TC299TY-128F300S BBcoming soon
        KIT_AURIX_TC275_TFTMicrocontrollerTo simplify the development of your own application, the kit is supplied with a variety of on-board components including a highly integrated software development environment that gives you everything you need to compile, debug, and flash your AURIX™ multi-core application.3V Lithium BatteryAURIX™ Application BoardLink to the Free TriCore Entry Tool Chainactive and preferred
        KIT_AURIX_TC275_S_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC275T including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board.TC275Tactive and preferred
        KIT_AURIX_TC275_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC275T including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board. TC275Tcoming soon
        KIT_AURIX_TC277_S_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC277T including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board.TC277Tactive and preferred
        KIT_AURIX_TC277_TFTMicrocontrollerSAK- TC277TP-64F200Sactive and preferred
        KIT_AURIX_TC277_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC277T including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board. TC277Tcoming soon
        KIT_AURIX_TC222_TRBMicrocontrollerExtension Board Free TriCore Entry Tool Chain Power Supply SAK-TC222L-16F133FUSB cableactive and preferred
        KIT_AURIX_TC223_TRBMicrocontrollerExtension Board Free TriCore Entry Tool Chain Power Supply SAK-TC223L-16F133FUSB cableon request
        KIT_AURIX_TC224_TFTMicrocontrollerSAK-TC224L-16F133Fon request
        KIT_AURIX_TC224_TRBMicrocontrollerExtension Board Free TriCore Entry Tool Chain Power Supply SAK-TC224L-16F133FUSB cableon request
        KIT_AURIX_TC264_S_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC264T including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board.TC264Tactive and preferred
        KIT_AURIX_TC264_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC264T including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board. TC264Tactive and preferred
        KIT_AURIX_TC265_S_TRBMicrocontrollerFor evaluation of SAK-TC265T including Getting Started, free Tricore Entry Tool Chain , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply and extension board.TC265Tactive and preferred
        KIT_AURIX_TC265_TFTMicrocontrollerSAK- TC265D-40F200Factive and preferred
        KIT_AURIX_TC267_TFTMicrocontrollerSAK- TC267D-40F200Factive and preferred
        HYBRID KIT2 ENH SILIGBT ModulesEvaluation Kit including HybridPACK™ 2 Enhanced power module and driverboard with EiceDRIVER™ SIL 1EDI2002AS, EiceDRIVER™ Boost 1EBN1001AE and AURIX™ 32-bit multicore microcontroller TC277AURIX™ 32-bit multicore microcontroller TC277EiceDRIVER™ Boost 1EBN1001AEEiceDRIVER™ SIL 1EDI2002ASHybridPACK™ 2 Enhanced FS800R07A2E3_B31on request
        EN aurix-tm-family
        EN SAK-C505CA-2RM+CA
        EN SAK-TC299TY-128F300S+BB