XE166 Family (Industrial)

XE166 Classic Series - Alpha Line
XE166xU Series - Compact Line
XE166xL Series - Econo Line
XE166xN Series - Value Line
XE166xM Series - Base Line
XE166xH Series - High Line
XE166 Development Tools, Software and Kits
    Service, Support and Training

      The Peripheral Event Controller (PEC) enables single cycle data transfers between memory and peripherals without the intervention of an interrupt service routine. The PEC provides eight PEC service channels which move a single byte or word between any two locations with optional automatic updating of the source and destination pointers. A PEC transfer can be triggered by any interrupt service request and is the fastest possible interrupt response.

      The architecture of the XE166 supports several mechanisms for fast and flexible responses to service requests from various sources internal or external to the microcontroller.

      With the move to smaller and smaller feature sizes, single-bit failures in Flash memory are a fact that no manufacturer can disregard. Infineon has put in place a very effective Error-Correction-Coding (ECC) technology, able to find and correct single-bit errors and detect double-bit errors. When unexpected power disruptions are capable of causing injuries, fatalities, serious business disruption or data loss, designers as well as end-customers will welcome the superior reliability provided by Infineon’s microcontrollers in general, and the XE166 real-time signal controllers in particular. In the XE166N, M and H-Series, Infineon has implemented ECC on all SRAMs as well as an MPU (Memory Protection Unit) to achieve fail-safe operations.

      Product Brochure
      XE166 Family Brochure4.7 MB12 Apr 2012
      User Manual
      XC2000/XE166 Programmers Guide2.1 MB15 Sep 201002_01
      XE166xM User ManualEN9 MB03 Jul 201502_00
      XE166U User's Manual8.1 MB18 May 201101_01
      XE166L User's Manual8.2 MB17 May 201101_01
      XE166N User's Manual9.5 MB28 Aug 200901_02
      XE166H User’s Manual10.3 MB01 Apr 200901_01
      Feature Overview XE166 Family706 KB22 Feb 201101_00
      Application Notes
      AP24026 - EMC and System-ESD Design Guidelines for Board LayoutEN2.9 MB15 Mar 201603_05
      Evaluation Boards
      KIT_AK_2MOTORDRIVE_V1MicrocontrollerXC878 with vector computer, XE164 real time signal controller with MAC unit. Power board 23V–56V, 7.5A. 15W PMSM motor and plug-in 24V power supply. Using Infineon 6ED003L06 gate driver, BSC 196N10 MOSFETs, CoolSET™ ICE 3B0565 power supply and TLE 4264 LDO. Software package including source code. Simultaneous control of two PMSMs with sensorless FOC & digital PFC with XE164. Sensorless FOC & digital PFC with XC878. V/f control of ACIM for quick evaluation.XC878XE164Fon request
      KIT_AK_DAVEDRIVE_V3MicrocontrollerScalable low voltage PMSM motor driver kit with DAVE™ Drive auto code generator. Uses the full power of Infineon microcontrollers, e.g. it generates optimized FOC code for XC878 using a vector computer and XE164 with MAC unit supporting single cycle 16 x 16-bit multiplication and accumulation. This usually requires expert knowledge in both motor control and assembler programming.XC878XE164active and preferred
      KIT_AK_FOCDRIVE_V1MicrocontrollerXC878 with vector computer, XE164 real time signal controller with MAC unit. Power board 23V–56V, 7.5A. 15W PMSM motor and plug-in 24V power supply. Using Infineon 6ED003L06 gate driver, BSC 196N10 MOSFETs, CoolSET™ ICE 3B0565 power supply and TLE 4264 LDO. Software package including source code. Sensorless FOC of PMSM with XE164. Sensorless FOC of PMSM with XC878.XC878XE164Factive and preferred
      KIT_DAP_MINIWIGGLER_USBMicrocontrollerThe miniWiggler is Infineon’s high performance and cost-efficient debugging tool for the future. On the host side, it has an USB interface, which is available on every computer. On the device side, the communication goes over Infineon 10-pin DAP or 16-pin OCDSL1 interfaces. The miniWiggler has been designed specifically to work in combination with Infineon’s Debug Access Software (DAS).All microcontrollers with DAP interfaceactive and preferred
      KIT_XE164F_EK_V1MicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XE164/XE167 including documentation, compiler, debugger, DAVE™ mother system v2.1 and a flash programming tool.XE164FXE167F
      KIT_XE164FN_EK_V1MicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XE162FN/XE164FN including Getting Started, DAVE(TM); , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and Flash programming and debugging.XE162FNXE164FNcoming soon
      KIT_XE167F_EK_V1MicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XE164/XE167 including documentation, compiler, debugger, DAVE™ mother system v2.1 and a flash programming tool.XE164FXE167Factive and preferred
      KIT_XE162FN_EK_V1MicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XE162FN/XE164FN including Getting Started, DAVE(TM); , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and Flash programming and debugging.XE162FNXE164FNcoming soon
      KIT_XE162FM_EK_V1MicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XE162FM/XE164FM/XE167FM including Getting Started, DAVE™ , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XE162FMXE164FMXE167FMactive and preferred
      KIT_XE164FM_EK_V1MicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XE162FM/XE164FM/XE167FM including Getting Started, DAVE™ , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XE162FMXE164FMXE167FMactive and preferred
      KIT_XE167FM_EK_V1MicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XE162FM/XE164FM/XE167FM including Getting Started, DAVE™ , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XE162FMXE164FMXE167FMactive and preferred
      KIT_XE167FH_EK_V1MicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XE167FH/XE169FH including Getting Started, DAVE™ , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XE167FHXE169FHon request
      KIT_XE169FH_EK_V1MicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XE167FH/XE169FH including Getting Started, DAVE™ , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XE167FHXE169FHon request
      KIT_XE160FU_EK_V1MicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XE160FU/XE161FU including Getting Started DAVE(TM), technical documentation, compiler and debugger, USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XE160FUXE161FUcoming soon
      KIT_XE161FL_EK_V1MicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XE161FL/XE162FL including Getting Started, DAVE™ , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XE161FLXE162FLcoming soon
      KIT_XE162FL_EK_V1MicrocontrollerFor evaluation of XE161FL/XE162FL including Getting Started, DAVE™ , technical documentation, compiler and debugger. USB cable for power supply, virtual COM port and flash programming and debugging.XE161FLXE162FLcoming soon
      XE166 Family Brochure xe166-family-industrial
      EN SAK-C505CA-2RM+CA
      EN xe166-family-industrial
      Feature Overview XE166 Family xe166-family-industrial
      XC2000/XE166 Programmers Guide SAK-XC2220U-8F40V+AA
      XE166H User’s Manual xe166-family-industrial
      XE166L User's Manual SAK-XE161HL-20F66V+AA
      XE166N User's Manual SAF-XE164HN-16F80L+AA
      XE166U User's Manual SAK-XE160FU-8F40R+AA