The CA3227 consists of five general purpose silicon NPN transistors on a common monolithic substrate. Each of the transistors exhibits a value of fT in excess of 3GHz, making them useful from DC to 1.5GHz. The monolithic construction of these devices provides close electrical and thermal matching of the five transistors.
Key Features
- Gain-Bandwidth Product (fT) >3GHz
- Five Transistors on a Common Substrate
- VHF Amplifiers
- VHF Mixers
- Multifunction Combinations - RF/Mixer/Oscillator
- IF Converter
- IF Amplifiers
- Sense Amplifiers
- Synthesizers
- Synchronous Detectors
- Cascade Amplifiers
DatasheetsTitle | Type | Updated | Size | Other Languages |
CA3227 Datasheet | PDF | 14 Nov 2014 | 202 KB | |
Order InformationPart Number | Package Type | Weight(g) | Pins | MSL Rating | Peak Temp (°C) | RoHS Status |
CA3227E | 16 Ld PDIP | 1.0 | 16 | N/A | NA | |
CA3227M | 16 Ld SOIC | 0.14 | 16 | | 240 | |
CA3227M96 | 16 Ld SOIC T+R | 0.14 | 16 | | 240 | |