ISL28258: Micro-power Dual Precision Rail-to-Rail Input-Output (RRIO) Low Input Bias Current Op Amps

The ISL28158 and ISL28258 are micro-power precision operational amplifiers optimized for single supply operation at 5.5V and can operate down to 2.4V.

These devices feature an Input Range Enhancement Circuit (IREC), which enables them to maintain CMRR performance for input voltages greater than the positive supply. The input signal is capable of swinging 0.25V above the positive supply and to 100mV below the negative supply with only a slight degradation of the CMRR performance. The output operation is rail-to-rail.

The ISL28158 and ISL28258 draw minimal supply current while meeting excellent DC-accuracy noise and output drive specifications. Competing devices seriously degrade these parameters to achieve micro-power supply current. Offset current, voltage and current noise, slew rate, and gain bandwidth product are all two to ten times better than on previous micro-power op amps.

The 1/f corner of the voltage noise spectrum is at 100Hz. This results in low frequency noise performance, which can only be found on devices with an order of magnitude higher supply current.

ISL28158 and ISL28258 can be operated from one lithium cell or two Ni-Cd batteries. The input range includes both positive and negative rail. The output swings to both rails.

Key Features
  • 34µA typical supply current (ISL28158)
  • 68µA typical supply current (ISL28258)
  • 300µV maximum offset voltage (8 Ld SOIC)
  • 1pA typical input bias current
  • 200kHz gain bandwidth product
  • 2.4V to 5.5V single supply voltage range
  • Rail-to-rail input and output
  • Enable pin (ISL28158 only)
  • Pb-free (RoHS compliant)
  • Battery- or solar-powered systems
  • 4mA to 20mA current loops
  • Handheld consumer products
  • Medical devices
  • Sensor amplifiers
  • ADC buffers
  • DAC output amplifiers
Typical Diagram
Application Notes
TitleTypeUpdatedSizeOther Languages
AN1652: iSim:PE Users GuidePDF13 Nov 20141.45 MB
AN1613: From SPICE Netlist to Allegro Design Sub-circuitPDF13 Nov 2014925 KB
AN1560: Making Accurate Voltage Noise and Current Noise Measurements on Operational Amplifiers Down to 0.1HzPDF13 Nov 20141.8 MB
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AN1548: Manual for the iSim Active Filter DesignerPDF13 Nov 20146.5 MB
TitleTypeUpdatedSizeOther Languages
ISL28158, ISL28258 DatasheetPDF12 Oct 2015822 KB
User Guides
TitleTypeUpdatedSizeOther Languages
ISL282X8MSOPEVAL1Z, ISL282X8SOICEVAL1Z User GuidePDF05 Dec 2014343 KB
Order Information
Part NumberPackage TypeWeight(g)PinsMSL RatingPeak Temp (°C)RoHS Status
ISL28258FBZ8 Ld SOIC0.07283260RoHS
ISL28258FBZ-T78 Ld SOIC T+R0.07283260RoHS
ISL28258FUZ8 Ld MSOP0.02582260RoHS
ISL28258FUZ-T78 Ld MSOP T+R0.02582260RoHS
ISL28158, ISL28258 Datasheet 12 Oct 2015
ISL282X8MSOPEVAL1Z, ISL282X8SOICEVAL1Z User Guide 05 Dec 2014
AN1548: Manual for the iSim Active Filter Designer 13 Nov 2014
AN1556: Building an Accurate SPICE Model for Low Noise, Low Power Precision Amplifiers 13 Nov 2014
AN1560: Making Accurate Voltage Noise and Current Noise Measurements on Operational Amplifiers Down to 0.1Hz 13 Nov 2014
AN1561: Radiated Interference in Audio Circuits 13 Nov 2014
AN1613: From SPICE Netlist to Allegro Design Sub-circuit 13 Nov 2014
AN1652: iSim:PE Users Guide 13 Nov 2014
ISL28168, ISL28268, ISL28158, ISL28258 Macromodel 31 Oct 2014
8 Ld MSOP T+R EL7516
8 Ld SOIC T+R ISL1208