DC1104A - LTC4009CUF-1/-2 Demo Board | Multi-Chemistry, 2A Sync Buck Battery Charger, 1.35V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V

Demonstration circuit DC1104A is a single-battery charge controller with featuring the LTC4009-2 (4.2V/cell). The input voltage is 13.5V to 20V. The charger output voltage is programmed by jumpers to support 1, 2, 3 and 4-Cell Li-ion batteries with a cell voltage of 4.2V/Cell. The maximum charge current is 2A. The demo board is initially configured for 12.6V (three Li-ion batteries). The board will automatically charge a battery as soon as input power is applied with a battery connected prior to power up. Status LEDs are provided for CHG, ACP (AC Present), C/10, and ICL (input current limit). This demoboard is capable of also supporting the LTC4009 (adjustable charge voltage) and the LTC4009-1 (4.1V/cell) with a simple IC swapout.

DC1223A-B - USB to SM-Bus/SPI Interface with Monitor

Demo Board Design File
Demo Board Manual
Demo Board Schematic
Demo Board Software