DC2052A - LTC3880EUJ/LTC3883EUH, 3-Phase Demo Board, Vin Range: 6.5V to 14V, Vout Range: 0.5V to 1.8V @ 60A, PMBus Controlled, works w/ DC1613 Dongle

Demonstration circuit 2052A is a 3-phase single output synchronous buck converter featuring the LTC3880EUJ, a dual-phase current mode controller, and the LTC3883EUH, a single-phase current mode controller with input current sensing capability. Both devices have a PMBus interface and the power system management functions.

The input voltage range of this board is from 6.5V to 14V. The output voltage can be programmed from 0.5V to 1.8V, with an output current of up to 60A total. The factory default setting for the output voltage is 1.0V.

DC1613A - USB-to-PMBus Controller for Use with LTpowerPlay

Demo Board Design File
Demo Board Manual
Demo Board Schematic
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