LTC3882 - Dual Output PolyPhase Step-Down DC/DC Voltage Mode Controller with Digital Power System Management

The LTC®3882 is a dual, PolyPhase DC/DC synchronous step-down switching regulator controller with PMBus compliant serial interface. It uses a constant frequency, leading-edge modulation, voltage mode architecture for excellent transient response and output regulation. Each PWM channel can produce output voltages from 0.5V to 5.25V using a wide range of 3.3V compatible power stages, including power blocks, DrMOS or discrete FET drivers. Up to four LTC3882s can operate in parallel for 2-, 3-, 4-, 6- or 8-phase operation.

LTC3882 system configuration and monitoring is supported by the LTpowerPlay™ software tool. The device’s serial interface can be used to read back input voltage, output voltage and current, temperature and fault status. A wide range of operating parameters can be set via the digital interface or stored in internal EEPROM for use at power up. Switching frequency and phase, output voltage and device address can also be programmed using external configuration resistors.

  • Order Custom Programmed Parts
  • PMBus/I2C Compliant Serial Interface – Monitor Voltage, Current, Temperature and Faults – Digitally Programmable Voltage, Current Limit, Soft-Start/Stop, Sequencing, Margining, AVP and UV/OV Thresholds
  • 3V ≤ VINSNS ≤ 38V, 0.5V ≤ VOUT ≤ 5.25V
  • ±0.5% Output Voltage Accuracy
  • Programmable PWM Frequency or External Clock Synchronization from 250kHz to 1.25MHz
  • Accurate PolyPhase® Current Sharing
  • Internal EEPROM with Fault Logging
  • IC Supply Range: 3V to 13.2V
  • Resistor or Inductor DCR Current Sensing
  • Optional Resistor Programming for Key Parameters
  • 40-Pin (6mm × 6mm) QFN Package
Typical Application

  • High Current Distributed Power Systems
  • Servers, Network and Storage Equipment
  • Intelligent Energy Efficient Power Regulation
  • Industrial/Telecom/ATE Systems
Order Information
Part NumberPackageTempPrice(1-99)Price (1k)*
LTC3882EUJ#PBF6x6 QFN-40E$7.64$5.35
LTC3882EUJ#TRPBF6x6 QFN-40E$5.41
LTC3882IUJ#PBF6x6 QFN-40I$8.86$6.20
LTC3882IUJ#TRPBF6x6 QFN-40I$6.26
Demo Boards
Part NumberDescriptionPrice
DC1936ALTC3882EUJ Demo Board | Dual Buck Voltage Mode Controller with PSM, 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; 0.8V ≤ VOUT0 ≤ 1.8V @ 30A, 0.8V ≤ VOUT1 ≤ 1.8V @ 30AContact Factory
DC2174A-ALTC3882EUJ Demo Board | Dual Phase, Dual Output PMBus Buck, 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; 0.5V ≤ VOUT0 ≤ 2V @ 35A, 0.5V ≤ VOUT1 ≤ 2V @ 35AContact Factory
DC2174A-BLTC3882EUJ Demo Board | Dual Phase, Single Output PMBus Buck, 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; 0.5V ≤ VOUT0 ≤ 2V @ 70AContact Factory
DC2252A-ALTC3882EUJ Demo Board | EEPROM Programming Board for LTC3882Contact Factory
DC2291ALTC3882EUJ Demo Board │LTC3882 (x2) 4-Phase PMBus Buck , 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; 0.5V ≤ VOUT ≤ 2V @ 140AContact Factory
Companion Boards
Part NumberDescriptionPrice
DC1613AUSB-to-PMBus Controller for Use with LTpowerPlay$50.00
Spec Notice
Application Note
Reliability Data
Product Selector Card
LT Journal
Press Release
Related Product
LTC3882 - Dual Output PolyPhase Step-Down DC/DC Voltage Mode Controller with Digital Power System Management
Digital Power System Management
AN145 - Overview of the EEPROM in LTC PSM Devices
AN149 - 开关模式电源的建模和环路补偿设计
LTC3882 - DC1936A Linduino .INO File
LTC3882 Project - Dual Output PolyPhase Voltage Mode Step-Down DC/DC Controller with PSM (7-14V to 1V & 1V @ 30A)
具数字接口的双输出 DC/DC 控制器采用 0.25mΩ 检测电阻工作
LTC3882 Footprints and Symbols
High Step-Down Ratio Controller Combines Digital Power System Management with Sub-Milliohm DCR Sensing and Accurate PolyPhase Load Sharing
LTC3882 - Linduino CPP File
LTC3882 - Linduino Header File
R526 - Reliability Data
Product Errata - LTC3882