DS8007-KIT:DS8007 EMV Evaluation Kit

EMV-Certified Reference Design Provides Starting Point for Smart Card Applications

The DS8007 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a proven platform to conveniently evaluate the capabilities of the DS8007 smart card interface chip. It includes a DS5002FP secure microcontroller to control the smart card interface. Two card sockets are included (one full size, one SIM size) to communicate with any 1.8V, 3V, or 5V IC card. An LCD screen can provide detailed feedback on program operation and aids in debugging applications. The DS8007 EV kit passed EMV™ 4.0 Level 1 Interface Module Certification by an EMV accredited certification laboratory for Type 1 approval testing. All Level 1 tests have passed using DS8007 EV kit platform. EMVCo Disclaimer EMVCo approval of the interface module (IFM) contained in this Terminal shall mean only that the IFM has been tested in accordance and for sufficient conformance with the EMV Specifications, Version 3.1.1, as of the date of testing. EMVCo approval is not in any way an endorsement or warranty regarding the completeness of the approval process or the functionality, quality or performance of any particular product or service. EMVCo does not warrant any products or services provided by third parties, including, but not limited to, the producer or provider of the IFM and EMVCo approval does not under any circumstances include or imply any product warranties from EMVCo, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for purpose, or non-infringement, all of which are expressly disclaimed by EMVCo. All rights and remedies regarding products and services which have received EMVCo approval shall be provided by the party providing such products or services, and not by EMVCo and EMVCo accepts no liability whatsoever in connection therewith.

Key Features
  • Easily Develop Smart Card Applications Using EMV Certified Library and 8051 Microcontroller
  • 2-Line LCD Screen for User Interface
  • Two Card Sockets for Interfacing with Standard Chip Cards
  • Card and Microcontroller Interface Pins Brought Out to Headers for I/O Expansion or Debugging
  • Pushbuttons for Reset, Interrupt, and Self-Destruct Functions
  • Level-Shifted RS-232 Interface
  • Included Board Schematics Provide a Convenient Reference Design
DS8007 Evaluation Kit
DS8007 Evaluation Kit
  • Access Control
  • Banking Applications (Point-of-Sale Terminals, Debit/Credit Payment Terminals, PIN Pads, Automated Teller Machines)
  • Pay Television
  • Telecommunications
TitleDownload file
DS8007-KIT Data SheetDS8007-KIT.pdf
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Ordering Information
Part NumberStatusRecommended ReplacementPackage
DS8007-KITNo Longer AvailableLQFP,;48 pin;82.8 mm²
DS8007-KIT.pdf DS8007-KIT
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DS8007-KIT_cn.pdf DS8007-KIT