DM164130-9 PICkit 3 Low Pin Count Demo Board

The PICkit 3 Low Pin Count Demo Board is an update to the PICkit™ 2 Demo Board. Modifications to the previous LPC board (DM164120-1) were made so that the full functionality of the code can be debugged without the need of a debug header. The software has also been rewritten to accommodate new technologies.

Newer version development tools are available now. Please consider

  • Software is in both the ‘C’ and assembler language
  • Extension of the number of lessons and modules covered
  • MPLAB® X support as well as the older MPLAB® 8
  • New PIC16 enhanced mid-range and PIC18 routines
  • Uses the universal XC8 compiler
Documentation & Software
DocumentsLast UpdatedSize
PICkit 3 Starter Kit Board User's Guide11/27/2012 4:07:02 PM1MB
PICkit 3 Low Pin Count Demo Board Schematic10/31/2012 7:41:37 AM16KB
PICkit 3 Starter Kit Source Code10/16/2012 9:55:36 AM1MB
PICkit 3 Starter Kit Board User's Guide PIC16F1829
PICkit 3 Low Pin Count Demo Board Schematic DM164130-9
PICkit 3 Starter Kit Source Code DM164130-9