DM183032 PIC18 Explorer Board

This low-cost demo board is for evaluation of our PIC18 MCU families. The PIC18 is our highest performance 8-bit architecture and has three different families: standard PIC18, PIC18 J-series and PIC18 K-series. This single development board supports dozens of the general purpose PIC18 families using various processor Plug-In Modules (PIMs). PICtail daughter boards enable many different accessory boards to connect to the PIC18 Explorer board for a flexible and complete development environment. This board is the ideal complement to the MPLAB® PICkit 3 or ICD 3 debugger and programmer for a full-featured, economical, PIC18 development environment.

Newer version development tools are available now. Please consider for new designs

● Multiple PIC18 processors, both a PIC18F8722 on board (128KB Flash, 80 pins, superset of traditional PIC18 family), and a PIC18F87J11 Plug-In Module (128KB Flash, 80-pins, superset of J-series, PIM adjusts to accommodate 3V device). A switch selects the desired processor.
● Supports many other PIC18 devices with Plug-In Modules, supporting 28 to 80-pin PIC18 devices
● PICtail ™ daughter board connector for connection to standard expansion boards such as Ethernet, speech playback, and the many different sensors
● Expansion connector accesses full device pin-out and breadboard prototype area
● Convenient connection for MPLAB PICkit 3, ICD 3 or REAL ICE for in-circuit programming and debugging
● Alpha-numeric LCD display
● USB interface for USB to RS-232 communication
● Crystal oscillator
● Potentiometer (connected to 10-bit A/D, analog input channel)
● Analog output temperature sensor
● LEDs
● RS-232 port
● Power supply connector and programmable voltage regulator, capable of operation from 2.0V to 5.5V
● Demo software including temperature sensor demo included (illustrates Microchip’s analog temperature sensor MPC9701A) and 32 kHz crystal for Real Time Clock demonstration
Documentation & Software
AppNotesLast UpdatedSize
AN2160 - Classic Bluetooth Communication Using Microchip RN41/42 Module and 8-bit PIC Microcontroller7/13/2016 2:40:32 AM2MB
AN1192 - MRF24J40 Radio Utility Driver Program8/10/2009 1:42:32 PM839KB
AN1284 - Microchip Wireless (MiWi) Application Programming Interface - MiApp7/23/2009 4:45:43 PM134KB
PIC18 Explorer Board Source Code8/10/2015 8:37:41 AM1MB
PICDEM PIC18 Explorer Demonstration Board User's Guide8/10/2015 8:37:40 AM1MB
PIC18 Explorer CD Download2/5/2013 10:22:27 AM8MB
PIC18F13K50/PIC18F14K50 Microcontrollers Product Overview1/19/2011 11:01:12 AM167KB
AN2160 DM183032
AN1192 DM183032
AN1192 Source Code DM183032
AN1284 DM183032
PIC18 Explorer Board Source Code DM183032
PICDEM PIC18 Explorer Demonstration Board User's Guide DM183032
PIC18 Explorer CD Download DM183032
PIC18F13K50/PIC18F14K50 Microcontrollers Product Overview DM183032