UJA1066TW: High-speed CAN fail-safe system basis chip

The UJA1066 fail-safe System Basis Chip (SBC) replaces basic discrete components which are common in every Electronic Control Unit (ECU) with a Controller Area Network (CAN) interface. The fail-safe SBC supports all networking applications that control various power and sensor peripherals by using high-speed CAN as the main network interface. The fail-safe SBC contains the following integrated devices:

In addition to the advantages of integrating these common ECU functions in a single package, the fail-safe SBC offers an intelligent combination of system-specific functions such as:

The UJA1066 is designed to be used in combination with a microcontroller that incorporates a CAN controller. The fail-safe SBC ensures that the microcontroller is always started up in a defined manner. In failure situations, the fail-safe SBC will maintain microcontroller functionality for as long as possible to provide a full monitoring and software-driven fallback operation.

The UJA1066 is designed for 14 V single power supply architectures and for 14 V and 42 V dual power supply architectures.

2.1 General
  • Contains a full set of CAN ECU functions: CAN transceiver Voltage regulator for the microcontroller (3.3 V or 5.0 V) Separate voltage regulator for the CAN transceiver (5 V) Enhanced window watchdog with on-chip oscillator Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for the microcontroller ECU power management system Fully integrated autonomous fail-safe system
  • Designed for automotive applications: Supports 14 V and 42 V architectures Excellent ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) performance ±8 kV ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) protection Human Body Model (HBM) for off-board pins ±4 kV ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) protection IEC 61000-4-2 for off-board pins ±60 V short-circuit proof CAN-bus pins Battery and CAN-bus pins are protected against transients in accordance with ISO 7637-3 Very low sleep current
  • Supports remote flash programming via the CAN-bus
  • Small 8 mm × 11 mm HTSSOP32 package with low thermal resistance
2.2 CAN transceiver
  • ISO 11898-2 and ISO 11898-5 compliant high-speed CAN transceiver
  • Enhanced error signalling and reporting
  • Dedicated low dropout voltage regulator for the CAN-bus: Independent of the microcontroller supply Guarded by CAN-bus failure management Significantly improves EMC performance
  • Partial networking option with global wake-up feature; allows selective CAN-bus communication without waking up sleeping nodes
  • Bus connections are truly floating when power is off
  • SPLIT output pin for stabilizing the recessive bus level
2.3 Power management
  • Smart operating modes and power management modes
  • Cyclic wake-up capability in Standby and Sleep modes
  • Local wake-up input with cyclic supply feature
  • Remote wake-up capability via the CAN-bus
  • External voltage regulators can easily be incorporated into the power supply system (flexible and fail-safe)
  • 42 V battery-related high-side switch for driving external loads such as relays and wake-up switches
  • Intelligent maskable interrupt output
2.4 Fail-safe features
  • Safe and predictable behavior under all conditions
  • Programmable fail-safe coded window and time-out watchdog with on-chip oscillator, guaranteeing autonomous fail-safe system supervision
  • Fail-safe coded 16-bit SPI interface for the microcontroller
  • Global enable pin for the control of safety-critical hardware
  • Detection and detailed reporting of failures: On-chip oscillator failure and watchdog alerts Battery and voltage regulator undervoltages CAN-bus failures (short circuits and open-circuit bus wires) TXD and RXD clamping situations and short circuits Clamped or open reset line SPI message errors Overtemperature warning ECU ground shift (two selectable thresholds)
  • Rigorous error handling based on diagnostics
  • Supply failure early warning allows critical data to be stored
  • 23 bits of access-protected RAM available (e.g. for logging cyclic problems)
  • Reporting in a single SPI message; no assembly of multiple SPI frames needed
  • Limp-home output signal for activating application hardware in case system enters Fail-safe mode (e.g. for switching on warning lights)
  • Fail-safe coded activation of Software development mode and Flash mode
  • Unique SPI readable device type identification
  • Software-initiated system reset
Data Sheets (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
High-speed CAN fail-safe system basis chip (REV 3.0) PDF (460.0 kB) UJA106617 Mar 2010
Package Information (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
plastic thermal enhanced thin shrink small outline package; 32 leads; body width 6.1 mm; lead pitch 0.65 mm; exposed die... (REV 1.0) PDF (380.0 kB) SOT549-108 Feb 2016
Ordering Information
ProductStatusProduct categoryCategorySupported standardsPackage nameLow power modesSupply voltage [min] (V)Package versionSupply voltage [max] (V)Data rate [min] (kb/s)Data rate [max] (kb/s)CAN channelsLIN channelsVoltage on bus pins [min] (V)Voltage on bus pins [max] (V)FlexRay ChannelsVESD IEC61000-4-2 (kV)VESD HBM on bus pins (+/- kV)VIO option availableApplicationRecommended VersionTvj [max] (°C)SPLIT pinUnder-voltage detectionTX Dominant Time outOver-temperature detectionINH / Wake PinMin High Input Levels (V)No of pins
UJA1066TW/3V3/TActiveSBC; High-Speed CAN; Fail-safe SBCISO-11898-2; ISO-11898-5HTSSOP32Standby Mode; Sleep Mode5.53318100010-606048NoYes150mA
UJA1066TW/5V0/TActiveSBC; High-Speed CAN; Fail-safe SBCISO-11898-2; ISO-11898-5HTSSOP32Standby Mode; Sleep Mode5.53318100010-606048NoYes150mA
UJA1066TWNo Longer ManufacturedSBC; High-Speed CAN; Fail-safe SBCSBCISO-11898-2; ISO-11898-5HTSSOP32Standby Mode; Sleep Mode5.5SOT549-13318100010-6060048NoYes150mA-40~150YesYesYesYesYes0.7 x Vv132
UJA1066TW/5V0No Longer ManufacturedSBC; High-Speed CAN; Fail-safe SBCISO-11898-2; ISO-11898-5HTSSOP32Standby Mode; Sleep Mode5.53318100010-606048NoYes150mA
UJA1066TW/3V3No Longer ManufacturedSBC; High-Speed CAN; Fail-safe SBCISO-11898-2; ISO-11898-5HTSSOP32Standby Mode; Sleep Mode5.53318100010-606048NoYes150mA
UJA1066TW/3V0No Longer ManufacturedSBC; High-Speed CAN; Fail-safe SBCISO-11898-2; ISO-11898-5HTSSOP32Standby Mode; Sleep Mode5.53318100010-606048NoYes150mA
Package Information
Product IDPackage DescriptionOutline VersionReflow/Wave SolderingPackingProduct StatusPart NumberOrdering code(12NC)MarkingChemical ContentRoHS / Pb Free / RHFLeadFree Conversion DateMSLMSL LF
UJA1066TW/3V3/TSOT549-1Reel 13" Q1/T1 in DrypackActiveUJA1066TW/3V3/T,51 (9352 888 69518)Standard MarkingUJA1066TW/3V3/TAlways Pb-free33
Tube in DrypackActiveUJA1066TW/3V3/T (9352 888 69512)Standard MarkingUJA1066TW/3V3/TAlways Pb-free33
UJA1066TW/5V0/TSOT549-1Reel 13" Q1/T1 in DrypackActiveUJA1066TW/5V0/T,51 (9352 888 71518)Standard MarkingUJA1066TW/5V0/TAlways Pb-free33
Tube in DrypackActiveUJA1066TW/5V0/T (9352 888 71512)Standard MarkingUJA1066TW/5V0/TAlways Pb-free33
High-speed CAN fail-safe system basis chip uja1066tw
Application Hints Fail-Safe CAN / LIN System Basis Chips UJA1069
Footprint for reflow soldering SOT549-1 UJA1079ATW
plastic thermal enhanced thin shrink small outline package; 32 leads; body width 6.1 mm; lead pitch 0.65 mm; exposed die pad UJA1079ATW