The VortiQa® OpenFlow Premium Package (VortiQa OFPP) Application Development Kit (ADK) is a commercial-grade performance-optimized and hardware accelerated software package targeted at accelerated SDN/OpenFlow switch designs requiring L4 and above protocols including IPv4 Forwarding, IPSec, Firewall and Policy Based routing. This ADK conforms to the OpenFlow Switch Specification v1.3 and leverages NXP® platforms equipped with the Advanced Input/Output processor (AIOP) to provide selective data plane offloading functions, while conserving the General Purpose Processor (GPP) cores for control plane and high-level networking application loads.

This ADK consists of the following components:

NXP provides these feature-rich market-ready Network Functions (NF) offloads running on NXP communications platform’s AIOP. The offload functions running in AIOP can easily be integrated with control plane stacks and applications running in the General Purpose Processor (GPP) cores. Each of the NF offload functions provides control APIs and delivers optimized performance, while offloading computationally intensive processing applications and conserving GPP cores for additional high level networking applications.

NXP’s commitment to addressing networking customers’ needs is demonstrated through application-specific software packages and hardware platforms that expedite customer designs to market. In addition to providing comprehensive software solutions, NXP offers commercial services and support around these solutions, allowing customers to focus more on their value-added, differentiating core competencies.

VortiQa® OpenFlow Premium Package Application Development Kit
  • Commercial-grade offload functions for time-to-market
  • Performance advantage by leveraging AIOP accelerators.
  • Conserve general purpose cores for high level functions
  • No need for add-on accelerators
  • VortiQa® Network and Security Package
  • VortiQa Switch Supplementary Package
  • VortiQa Protocol Offload Package
  • VortiQa OpenFlow Standard Package